5. Tattooshop

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Jade pov:
Evie looked at me.
"Can I at least see the dress which you'd wear?" she whined and I looked at her.
"I told you, you'll see it at cotillion... I do have one problem though..."
"Yes-!" Evie cheered softly and I grinned.
"My dad gave me my mom's earrings... but I never got my ears pierced..." I mumbked and Evie squealed.
"Let's tske care of that. Don't worry, Auradon has better equipment for it then the isle." she said as she dragged me along.

"There's a tattoo shop in Auradon?" I said in suprise and Evie grinned.
"Yea, they only have 2 costumers. Pocahontas once and Maui multiple times."
"...make that 3 costumers." I mumbeld as I saw Harry in the tattooshop.
"Gods, why am I not surprised?" Evie said and I stopped walking.
"Can't we do this later? I don't-"
"Oh hush." Evie said as she dragged me inside.

Harry pov:
Huh. The AK people actually had a tattooshop. And they were cheaper then my tattoo guy from the isle; Anthony Tremaine.
"Why I haven't seen someone look at the designs for a long time." I think the owner said it, at least some guy who worked there.
"Just curious..." I mumbled.
"I see you already got inked once?" the man said as he pointed at my wrist.
"Three times actually. Also got a tattoo on my chest and on my left ankle."
"See anything you like? There's always 50% off at the first one you get here."
"Why that's always interesting of course." I said and the man chuckled.
"My name is Tui."
Hang on, that guy was Moana's father?
"You're Hook's son, right?"
"I'm nothing like my father, trust me."
"I wasn't going to judge you. Just curious who my newest customer might be."
"Will be." I corrected him and he smiled.
"Found something?"
"I like that one. An anchor with a compass on it." I said as I pointed at the design.

Tui took the design off the wall and looked at mr

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Tui took the design off the wall and looked at mr.
"It's a nice one. Do you want it now or to make an appointment for it?"
"What's the point of waiting?"
"You're an interesting guy, aren't you."
Anf I chuckled.
Then the door opened and Evie walked in with Jade.
"Hey Harry." Evie said and Jade's face was red.
"Hey girls. What are you two up to?" I asked as Tui was getting things ready for my newest tattoo.
"I..." Jade stammered and Evie gave her a nudge.
"I eh..."
"For gods... She's wnating to get her ears pierced and Tui also does that here. Like on a more painless way then on the isle. Jade has some earings from her mom which she wants to wear at cotillion but she never got her ears pierced." Evie explained and Jade looked at her.
"Why did you have to say that much?"
"Who cares?" Evie said and I grinned softly.
"Hey Harry, you got an idea where you want it?" Tui called from the back of the shop.
"My shoulder would be fine."
"You're getting a tattoo?" Jade asked and I looked at her.
"Yes. Number 4 actually."
"You already have 3 tattoos?" Jade said with shock and I nodded.
"A hook on my chest, a steering wheel from a ship on my ankle and a small symbol on my wrist."
"What kind of symbol?" Evie asked and I showed my wrist.
"An infinity symbol with hearts in the loops?" Evie said as she tried to hide her smile.
"It was on every letter my mom wrote... Until she stopped writing to us. She used to live here in Auradon, she was a heroes sidekick... but I don't even know who she is or if she's still alive. She stopped writing years ago."
"I'm sorry." Jade said and I nodded once.

Tui finally returned after a few minutes and he asked me if it was okay if I took care of Jade first, I didn't mind.
I had to take my jacket and shirt off for the tattoo anyway.
I heared Jade whimper softly before Tui pierced her ears and she did her best not to make a sound as he did.
"You said it didn't hurt that bad here!" Jade cussed and Evie and I grinned as I pulled my shirt over my head, dumling it on top of my jacket.
"Oh hush, it's worse on the isle." Evie said as Tui also pierced Jade's other ear, she flinced this time.
"You okay?" I asked and Jade's cheeks turned bright red as she looked at me.
"I... Y- yea..."
"Alright, the ears getting pierced is free of charge since Evie brought the small earring to pierce your ears with." Tui said and Jade got up from the chair she sat on.
"Oh Jade, I gotta run. Carlos got himself in trouble." Evie said as she looked at her phone, not even waiting for Jade's reply as she left.
"...bye?" Jade mumbled as she sighed.
"Does it hurt much?" I asked and Jade turned to me.
"Oh... well... eh... It did at the moment... Guess it's wearing off..."
"Too bad it won't be that quickly with tattoos." I joked as Tui put the design sticker thingy on my right shoulder.
"What is it?" Jade asked and Tui took the sticker off, leaving the mark on my shoulder.
"I could tell you, but you can already see for yourself." I said and Jade's eyes widened.
"That's beautiful... But it looks like a lot to tattoo... won't that hurt a lot?"
"The Hook tatto I got on my chest is about the same size... I'll be fine." I said with a smile as I heared that Tui turned his tattoo machine thingy on.
I gritted my teeth, it's been a while since I got a tattoo and I forgot how much it actually hurt.
To my surprise... Jade took my hand as she sat down next to me, there were worries in her eyes as she squeezed my hand gently.
This time, both of our cheeks burned.

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