2. Chemistry

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Jade pov:
Fairy godmother walked to me the next day.
"Jade, I was looking for you. You've been placed in a new chemistry class, I hope you don't mind...?"
"Eh, I can't say that I do. But why?"
"The schedules have been adjusted and it wouldn't fit in yours in your old class. Don't worry, you'd still have some familiar faces in your class. Evie, Doug and Harry?"
My jaw dropped.
"So, I got your new schedules from now on. Here you go." Fairy godmother said and she handed me a few papers.
She walked away and I started to freak out.
Being in a class with Evie and Doug was fun. Being in a class with Harry... I would be staring at him, also not bad.
But those two at the same time, hell no!
Evie would know in less then a minute that I'd be crushing on Harry.
I sighed and quickly texted Reza.
'Help, I got put in a new chemistry class. With Evie, Doug and HARRY!!!'
The only damn reply he sended was;
I groaned softly and felt a hand on my shoulder.
"Hey Jade!" Evie's voice said and I turned.
"Hey Evie-!"
Then I saw that Doug and Harry were with her.
"You got placed into our chemistry class, which means you got class with us next period!" Doug said and I quickly looked on he papers which Fairy Godmother gave me... and they were right.
"Oh... G-Great..." I said as I tried to stay calm.
"I don't think you two have been introduced yet. Jade, this is Harry. Harry, this is Jade." Evie said as she gave Harry a little nudge towards me.
"Yea, yea. Whatever..." Harry mumbled.
"N- nice to meet you." I said and Harry rolled his eyes.
"Sure. You're Jay's cousin... right?"
"Yes, so?" I said and Evie pulled Doug along, leaving the two of us alone.
"Then you must be a buzzkill like him." Harry said and I looked at him.
"Do I look like my cousin? No. Am I a buzzkill? Quite the opposite, thank you very much." I scoffed and Harry looked at me.
"Alright then lass. Whatever you say."
I rolled my eyes.
"How can you fall for a guy like that?" I mumbled to myself.
"Saying what now?" Harry asked and I realised that I said it a bit too loud.
"Eh... I- I said nothing..." I said quickly and Harry smirked.
"Of course not, lass."
"Don't call me that. My name is Jade."
"Alright... lass."
He walked away with his signature smirk and I was even more in love with him then before...
"Dammit." I cussed at myself and I hurried to the chemistry class which I now had with Evie, Doug... and Harry.

Evie smiled at me and I knew that she knew.
"Hey Jade!"
Doug waved and I sighed as I decided to sit with them... yea, Harry was there too.
"Hello lass." he said with a smirk and I tried to keep myself from blushing.
I was sitting next to him...
"Hey Doug, do you have any clue why the schedules have been changed?" I asked and Doug shrugged.
"It's the beginning of the schoolyear, it changes a hundred times in the beginning." Doug said and Harry chuckled.
"Aww, is the little lass sad that she's now stuck with us?" he said teasingly and Evie kicked him under the table.
"Shut up you." she said and Harry gritted his teeth in pain and his right hand went down to his leg.
"Thanks... But I can take care of myself Evie. I've done so for as long as I can remember..." I said and Doug looked at me.
"But Jay's your cousin... Didn't he look out for you on the island?" Doug asked and evie looked at him.
"Maybe you should stop talking..." she mumbled as she put her hand on his shoulder and I stiffened a bit.
Harry eyed at me and luckily the teacher walked in.
"Alright everyone. Time to start, you're going to work in pairs on this project. You work with the person who you're sitting next to." the teacher said and I felt all the colour drain from my face.
"Are you okay Jade?" Evie asked with concern and I looked at her.
"Y- yea... Of course..." I mumbled.
Harry smirked and I bit my lip as I looked at my notebook.
I couldn't even focus on what the project was, neither did I hear what anyone said.

I was sitting in the library after school, Evie texted me what the project was about and I just happend to have a feeling that Harry wouldn't do a thing for the bloody project.

Harry pov:
Uma looked at me.
"Just ask her out already." she said and I chuckled.
"I have no idea what you're talking about."
"Jay's cousin, Jade. I saw the way you were looking at her." Uma said as she gave me a nudge.
"Jade, she's... okay."
"Dude, you were flirting with her in the hallway. I saw you two before you went to chemistry class." Gil said and I looked at her.
"I wasn't flirting."
Crap... was I? I mean Jade is pretty...
But if she's related to Jay, then she can't be that interesting...
"Maybe you should ask her out for cotillion. Since I won't be crashing it this time, it should be real fun." Uma said with a smirk and I scoffed.
"I don't do romance anymore. Not a chance."
"Aww, did I reject you too many times?" she said teasingly and I rolled my eyes.
"Whatever you want to believe." I said and my phone buzzed.
I pulled it out of my pocket and saw an unknown number.
'Hey, Evie gave me your number... I've been working on the project... I bet you won't be doing a thing.' the text said and I looked at it for a moment before replying.
'Depends on. The text doesn't say who and what project... A bit hard to work on something then.'
I chuckled briefly as I sended it, knowing how annoyed Jade would be.
"What's so funny?" Gil asked.
"Nothing. I got to go." I said as I read Jade's reply.
'If you care, I'm at the library... Not that you would ever want to be there.'
"I smell love. And it's disgusting!" Uma called out and I grinned.

My cousin's enemy (Jade x Harry) {💯%}Where stories live. Discover now