11. For fuck sake...

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Harry pov:
My eyes slowly opened and I groaned as I felt this huge pain in my chest.
"Oh god, you're awake!" a voice exclaimed and I felt that someone was hplding my hand tightly.
I had the feeling it was the same person... Jade.
"Harry?" her voice said softly and I lookdd at her.
"...hey." I said softly.
"Goddammit! What were you thinking!? You could've died!" Jade yelled at me and I saw she had tears in her eyes.
"I... I didn't want you to get hurt..." I admitted softly and Jade closed her eyes for a brief moment.
"I was worried sick Harry... with all the blood and everything... I- I was so scared that you'd die..." she mumbled and I forced myself to sit up instead of lying down.
"Hey... I'm sorry that I worried you... I... I couldn't let you get hurt like that..." I said and she wrapped her arms around me.
I gritted my teeth in pain but ignored it, wanting to comfort Jade.
"I need to tell you something..." she said as she let go of me and I looked at her.
"Sounds serious..." I mumbled.
"It is. And I really tried telling you before but-"
"Miss, you would have to leave. He needs his rest in order to get discharged monday." this nurse said and I looked at Jade as she sighed.
"What were you going to say?" I asked but the nurse insisted on Jade leaving.

Jade pov:
"Come, we'll take you back to the campus... You need some sleep." Reza said.
"What time is it now?" I asked.
"4.12am... You can get and need at least two more hours of sleep." Jay said.
"Like I would be able to sleep right now..." I mumbled but I did let Jay and Reza take me back to the campus.

They left me alone in my dorm and I undressed, climbed in bed and stared at the ceiling.
I couldn't stop thinking of how Harry pulled me to his chest, turning me away from the car.
How he got hit the most, how his face was covered in blood and... and I started crying at that moment.
I felt guilty, if I watched out better... Harry would've never gotten hurt.
I pulled out my phone and texted Harry.
'Hey... Are you still awake?' I sended and he read it too quickly.
'Yea, couldn't sleep... same goes for you?'
'I feel guitly for what happened...'
'It's not even your fault.'
'Wasn't it? If I watched out, then none of it never happened.'
'Hey, don't say that. It's not your fault... I chose to help/protect you.'
'Why did you?'
'I already told you.'
'Be honest this time.'
Then he went offline, I wanted to get pissed but some nurse probably told him to go to sleep.

A week later...

Harry pov:
Jade smiled as she came by the hospital.
"Hello mr finally-discharged." she said.
"Hey." I said with a smile as I got up.
"So, the others wanna hang out as a celebration thingy for you being discharged."
"And then I got the advise to take things easy."
"Were you actually going to?" Jade asked and I scoffed.
She rolled her eyes and picked up my bag which contained some spare clothes.
"Come on. Reza gave me a ride and will give us a ride back to the campus."
I nodded as I followed her.
I still didn't tell her how I felt and I wanted to so badly.

That night we (Mal, Evie, Jay, Carlos, Uma, Gil, Reza, Jade and I) we sitting by the enchanted lake.
Jay and Gil made a bonfire and Uma smiled.
"Alright, how about a game of truth or dare?"
"Oh god no..." Carlos whined.
"Ain't that a kids game?" Reza asked and Mal chuckled.
"Not the way we play."
"Okay, who goes first?" Jay asked.
"Jay, truth or dare?" Gil said and Jay looked at him.
"Jump in the lake with your clothes on, going underwater!" Mal cheered and Evie glared at her.
"Why do you want him to ruin his clothes?"
"Alright." Jay said as he did jump into the lake, pissing Evie off.
Jade grinned a bit as Jay came out of the lake with soaking clothes and hair.
"Alright, Jay's turn."
"Oh this better be good." Uma said as she looked at Jay.
"Truth or dare?"
"Well that's a first." I mumbled and Uma swatted me.
"Fuck, marry, kill... between... Gil, Carlos and Ben." Jay said and Uma rolled her eyes.
"...I hate you."
"Answer!" Jade said with a grin.
"Marry Ben, because then I'd be queen..."
"And...?" I said with a smirk.
"No offence, but I'd kill Gil and fuck Carlos. I bet that would be fun..." Uma said with an embarrassed face and Carlos shifted uncomfortably in his seat.
"...I though we were friends?" Gil said softly and Uma rolled her eyes.
"Don't take it too seriously."
Then Uma turned to Jade.
"Truth or dare, newbie."
Reza looked at Jade.
"This will be fun either way." he joked.
"...dare." Jade said after a moment of hesitation.
"I dare you to make out with Harry." Evie said and I felt the colour drain from my face.
Evie... did not... just say that.
Jade locked eyes with me and both of our cheeks burned.
"Go on, kiss her." Uma said as she pushed me off my seat, forcing me to get up.
I walked over to Jade and looked at her.
"...do you want to do this?" I asked softly and Jade got up as she hesitated.
"Kiss already!" Gil said with a childish voice and I lifted Jade's chin as I kissed her gently on her lips.
I heared the others cheer and we parted after a second or two, both of us blushing like hell...
"Jade's turn!" Carlos said and I quickly sat down again, so did Jade.

My cousin's enemy (Jade x Harry) {💯%}Where stories live. Discover now