9. The next day

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Harry pov:
Uma cheered during recess.
"Guys, guess what? Harry changed his mind about cotillion!" she yelled and Evie's face was filled with excitement.
"YES!" she exclaimed and Carlos chuckled.
"Goodluck Harry..." he mumbled and Jay grinned.
"Hey guys!" Jade said as she walked to us and Mal smirked as Jade sat down.
"Hey Jade, guess what?"
"What?" Jade said before taking a sip from her drink.
"Harry's going to cotillion."
Jade spit her drink out and Gil looked at her.
"Are you okay?"
"What made you change your mind?" Jade asked me and I shrugged.
"Some stupid curiosity perhaps." I said as calmly as I could.
No way I would admitt it that I wantes to go because of her. At least not in front of everyone.
"Looks like Evie got some work cut out for her." Jay joked and Evie looked at me.
"Don't worry. I already got ideas."
"Oh for fuck sake... Why is the formal wear such a big thing?" I complained and Uma grinned.
"Oh hush, you'll survive."
Jade's phone buzzed and she chuckled.
"What's so funny?" Gil asked with genuine curiosity.
"Oh, it's Diego. He's being a complete dork about the band practise of today."
"Hey about Diego, he said you left computer lab for music classes. Now I got no study buddy." Carlos pouted and Jade chuckled.
"Oh yea, well... sorry? It's important Carlos. Besides I'm not the only one here with music class." she said and the colour drained from my face.
"Wait, who else here got music class?" Evie asked.
"Not me." Gil said.
"Definitely me neither." Mal said.
And everyone kept denying and they all turned to me.
"Oh. My. Gods." Uma said with a smirk and I chuckled nervously.
"I kinda have music class..." I finally admitted and Jay laughed.
"You? Music class?"
"Oh shut it Jay." Jade snapped.
"Get 'im girl!" some guy said and Jade looked up.
"Reza! Hey!" she said as she got up, pulling him into a hug.
"Hey girl." This Reza said with a smile.
"So this is the famour Reza?" Mal asked and Reza chuckled.
"Oh-oh, what did she say?" Reza joked and Jay looked at him.
"Long time pal."
"Too bad it wasn't longer." Reza snarled and I enjoyed that coment.
Now I wasn't the only one who hates Jay.
"What are you doing here Reza?" Jade asked and Reza turned to her.
"Asking when you got band practice? I'd love to see you play again... before cotillion."
"After class today. So after my last hour, music class."
"Don't you mean, yours and Harry's last hour?" Gil said and I sighed.
"So you and the pirate guy have things in common, interesting." Reza said with a wink before he left.
Jade had burning cheeks and so did I...

Jade pov:
"Alright, class dismissed. Except Harry. I'd like to speak with you. It won't be long since the band of mr. De Vil will be practising here soon." the teacher said and I asked if I could leave my bag in the room since I'd be there soon again.
"That's alright." the teacher said and Harry sighed.
"I know what you're going to say. I'll take care of it." he said and the teacher looked at him.
"Get it done before the next class. Got it?"
"Yes ma'am." Harry said as he grabbed his bag.
"Hey, Harry... Since Reza is staying to watch us practice... Would you want to as well? I could use an opinion from someone who isn't my bestfriend."
"Oh, eh... sure?" Harry said and I smiled as the teacher left.
"Diego, Jace, Clay and Reza should be here soon."
"...so it's just us now?"
"Looks like it."

Harry pov:
Great, now ask her!
"Hey eh Jade...?" I started and she looked at me, her brown eyes filled with curiosity.
"I eh... I-"
"THERE SHE IS!" Diego's voice yelled and the four guys walked in.
"Hey guys!" Jade said before she turned back to me.
"What were you going to say?"
And the four guys; Diego, Reza, Jace and Clay, looked at me.
"Did we interrupt something?" Clay asked.
"No, nevermind." I said.
"Okay, let's get the equipment." Jace said and Jade looked at Reza and me.
"If you two could step aside a bit, then we can put our equipment here."
"He's staying too?" Diego asked Jade and she crossed her arms.
"Perhaps if you did some of the planning and all, you would've known."
"But you just-?" I mumbled and Jade glared at me.
"Okay, maybe you four should just ignore the two of us and start practising?" Reza suggested and Diego nodded.
My phone buzzed and I sighed.
"I got to go, I'll see you guys later." I said and Jade seemed a bit disappointed.
Damn you Uma, she texted me to meet up with her.
And knowing Uma, you shouldn't let her wait.
On the other hand, I should've stayed with Jade and the others.
"Yea, see you later..." Jade mumbled as I left.

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