Chapter 13

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Ross POV
"Sam!" I stand up and walks over to her "I haven't seen you sense... Well." "Yeah. How's Ally? I jumped on an airplane as soon as Ian and Marcie called me. Connor and Laura are on there way. They're parking the rental." She smile and I smile back. "Rossy." Honey hugs my arm. Laura and the rest walk out of the elevator and join us. "Who's she?" Ian asked and I push Honey away "No one." Hannah goes up to Marcie and tells Lucas to stand up "You two were there what happened to Ally why did you guys get in the accident the first time?" She asked them and Marcie glares at me "Let's just keep the cat in the bag until Nickols gets here you should hear the whole story not just mine and Lucas' and certainly not Ross. Hear what we all remember and make sumptuous then." She tells Hannah and smiles. Aria walks out of the Room. And the elevator opens "Who did it? Why is she in the hospital! Ross!" He points at me. "Mr.C!" Lucas stands up and shakes his hand "Good to see you Lucas. Now where is she? Where's my daughter!" My eyes widen and everyone looks startled. "Your Ally's Dad?!" I ask my voice cracking in terror he was tall well built and muscular. "Your the cause of this?" Aria stand up and looks at him. "Andrew? Andrew Campbell?" Spencer get close to him "The dimples are still there so yeah that's Campbell." "Waits so..." I start confused. Lucas smiles "Ross meet your Father in Law... Who hates your guts!" "Funny..." "Ally Campbell? That doesn't have the same ring to it. And where were you for all of Ally's life!" Rydel scolds him and he smiles "Who might you be?" "Ally's sister in law." "I was admiring her from afar... I get to close the her because I just couldn't risk another goodbye. She's my angel and that why I paid people like Lucas, Ian and Connor to stay close to her." "Connor!?" "He paid me well and I was in Italy so... And he paid me to protect her not to become best friends with her. she's just amazing and she became someone very special to me and Money or no money I still would have loved to become friends with her." "Are you still gay?" "duh!" "Lucas you lied to her! You never loved her!" "I was paid to protect her not to Fall in love with her I did that all by myself." "What about..." He elevator dings and we look "You you never loved Ally?" "Mr.Campbell? And I did love Ally but I kinda grew out of it it was more of a... I'm desperate your desperate lets be desperate together thing. I meet Ally before Mr.Campbell met me..." "Where'd you go?" "To see Ally. I thought everyone could go in." "Yeah you can. Just I found it shady." "Mr.Campbell I'm Marcie." "Your the girl who said she'd take care of my little girl without Pay." "That's me." "You to M?!" "It wasn't hard Ally's independent and smart it was easy until you fucking came along and ruined everything!" She yells at me and eyes are back on me. "I thought you were team Rallison!" "I hated you and I didn't make it unknown!" The elevator ding again and there comes a woman with a red coat she was looking down so no one saw her face. She walks into Ally's room without saying a word. A few minutes later we hear an alarm from Ally's room and the lady walks out and into the elevator calmly. Nurses rush into Ally's room and we all look at each other. "Who was that?" "What did she do?" A few hours later the nurses walk out "What happened?" "Mrs.Lynch was unstable but she's fine now." "How long until she wakes up?" Mr.Campbell asks "She was awake but the doctor put her on a mandatory coma. And when we try to undo it her body didn't react like we wanted it to." "So there's nothing you can do?" "No we just have to wait. I'm sorry." She tells us and walks way. Nickols walks in "Hey cutie!" She smiles and hugs Marcie "Gosh I haven't seen anyone since the wedding! Have have you all been?" "Nickols tell me.Campbell what you remember about Ally and Ross when we were still in high school." She looks confused then sits down with Marcie and Lucas. "It's was the day we were getting a new teacher for English and we walked into class and there he was bent down, we all thought he was hot but from the beginning it was obvious that he only has eyes for Ally..." Everyone shares there side of the story and I just sat there uncomfortably. Next week Nickols walks in with Mr.Campbell "Then Lucas was kidnaped and Ally started dating Ian but then moved to Italy and came back and now she's with Ross. But if you want even more detail you should read her books there freaking amazing!" She sits down next to me "How is she?" She asks "They don't let me see her." I tell her "the nurses?" "Lucas and Marcie." "I'll go see her and tell you how she is if you like." "Yeah please." She smiles and holds my hand. "Nickols! I'ma go see Alz!" Lucas tells us and walks into the room." Nickols looks at me and then over to honey "I'll go after words."

Lucas POV
"Hi beautiful..." I smiles and move her hair "You look amazing as always." I take a long sigh "I'm sorry. I'm sorry I couldn't just let you and Ross be happy I should have just backed down..." I take her oxygen mask off. "I love you." I take her hand and feel her hand move and look back and see her eyes wide open. "L-Lucas!" "A-Ally! Your awake! Um- let me get the doctor!" I stand up and she pulls me back. She attempts to sit up but groans in pain. "No please stay! I- I thought you were dead! I don't want to lose you again! I LOVE YOU!" She holds my hand tightly. "Ally?" "Yes?" "What year are we in?" "What are you talking about?" "When was the last time you saw me?" "You went to War and died, I felt hopeless. I went to Italy to work." "Where are you right now!" "Los- Italy?" I let go of her hand "I'll bet right back!" I run out and everyone's outside "SHES AWAKE!" "What!" "And she loves me!" "what!" "She doesn't remember that you and her are together again!" We all run into the room. "Hi?" She looks startled Ross pushes his way into the front. "R-Ross..." She stars at him. And Ross smiles "Hi honey." "What do you mean?" The doctor walks in and examines Ally. "she has memory Loss." "Again!" Nickols Wines. "Good to see you too" ally jokes "the best advice I have for you is try to jog her memory. But because it has happened before there is is high percentage that it won't come back alone. Other then that she can leave tomorrow." The doctor walks out and we all look at Ross. "We should give them a minute." We all walk out

Ally's POV
"What did you do to me?" I ask furious "what?" "I'm in a hospital the doctor said I lost memory I can add 1 and 2 together Ross. And if your back in my life, you did something to me!" "Here's a little memory jog! Your a Lyncj and your a mother! You don't like Lucas!" I look confused "Please tell me I married Rocky or Riker!"

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