cinnamon rolls or sinnamon rolls?

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"They were absolutely talking about us earlier while we were 'training'." Izuku hummed, his head resting against Katsuki's shoulder as they sat on the blond's bed with his laptop in front of them, a movie playing on the screen.

Katsuki mumbled out an agreement, his head leaning on top of Izuku's curly green locks.

A moment passed where neither of them said anything.

"What do you think they were saying?"

"Who cares?" Katsuki grumbled, adjusting the blanket around their shoulders. "Now hush, we're getting to the good part."

"Okay, okay." Izuku huffed, a small giggle escaping his mouth as he moved his body closer into Katsuki's side. "I don't get why you like these movies, everything is clearly fake. It isn't even scary."

"Yeah, 'cause you're ruining the suspenseful build up." Katsuki put a hand over Izuku's mouth to keep him from replying, watching the screen intently.

The room was silent except for the music coming from the laptop's speakers, the two boys subconsciously moving closer together as the character on screen moved through the house looking for an escape from the killer.

Izuku - despite saying the movie wasn't scary just minutes earlier - was gripping tightly onto Katsuki's hand, wide eyes glued to the screen. Katsuki was in a near identical state, squeezing the freckled boy's hand just as tight.

"Wow, you two couldn't even wait for me before starting the movie. I feel so loved."

The two boys on the bed jumped, one of them screeching when Shoto spoke.

The two toned boy chuckled, tossing the arm full of candy he snuck from the kitchen onto the bed as Izuku paused the movie.

Katsuki glared at Shoto as he climbed onto the bed next to him, gently pushing his shoulder. "Fuck you, IcyHot."

"Maybe later, right now I want to watch this movie. Can we restart it?" Shoto took some blanket off Katsuki's shoulder, wrapping the end around himself so the fabric was successfully draped across all three boys.


"Sure." The blond turned his glare to Izuku, who rolled his eyes. "Don't be like that just because he made you scream, Kacchan."

"He didn't make me scream."

"Well, it sure wasn't me." Izuku smirked. "And I doubt Shoto came in here and screamed like you at us."

Katsuki flushed, pushing his laptop onto Shoto's legs so he could make a move to get off his bed. "Fuck both of you."

Izuku chuckled as Shoto grabbed a grumbling Katsuki around the waist, pulling him back into the cuddle puddle. "Like I said, maybe later. Right now is movie and cuddle time." The blond huffed but listened, taking up his previous position between the other two boys. Shoto handed him one of the bags of candy. "Good boy. Izu, can you restart the movie?"

The freckled teen nodded, taking the laptop from Shoto's lap, and placing it on Katsuki's so that they all had a clear view. He went to restart the movie when the laptop turned off, the low battery symbol flashing before doing so. Izuku nudged the still slightly sulking Katsuki. "Where is your charger?"

Thinking about it for a moment, Katsuki swore. "I lent it to Kirishima."

"Okay, well, just go ask him for it."

"He went out, won't be back for a while."

Izuku nodded. "So we'll ask Kaminari to charge - "

"Dunce face went out with Kirishima." Katsuki sighed, leaning back into the wall with crossed arms. "So no more movie night."

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