i'm sorry what?!

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Note: this is the second to last part of this story! thank you all for reading it, i hope you enjoyed it as much as i enjoyed writing it

Everyone in the common room held their breath, waiting to find out how the interaction between father and son would go. Izuku and Katsuki squeezed Shoto's hands, stepping closer to him as they stared at Todoroki Enji defiantly, daring him to say something negative about their relationship.

Endeavor stared at his youngest child, disbelief in his eyes. "Shoto, are you dating both of these boys?"

Shoto narrowed his own eyes at his father. "Yes, I am. I love both Katsuki and Izuku. And no matter what you say or try to do, I will never stop loving them."

A snicker was heard from behind Endeavor as the hero known as Hawks stepped out, a smirk on his face. "Endeavor here would be a hypocrite if he were homophobic towards his son."

"Hawks, stop." Endeavor hissed.

"What are you talking about?" Dabi asked, suspicion lacing his voice.

Hawks smirk grew. "I'm fucking your dad, Dabi."

The room was silent for just a second before Dabi lit on fire, a screech tearing out of his throat. "What the actual fuck Endeavor?! Are you serious?! You're screwing a guy my age?! While you're married to mom? You're cheating on her! You do realize that right?! What the fuck is wrong with you!?"

"Touya, we're getting a divorce." Rei sipped her water calmly while Enji nodded. "It's been in the process for a while. It'll be finalized soon."

Bakugou Masaru glanced at the on fire Dabi and sighed, shaking his head while muttering about how he just put out the fire in the kitchen and could they not start another one, at least for a little while?

While all this was happening, the majority of 2-A was sitting in stunned silence with their families, watching the drama unfold. A few had their mouths gaping open while others had amused grins on their faces, thinking this was the best entertainment they've had in awhile. Kyouka was sitting on Momo's lap, whispering to her about how she wished she had some popcorn. Momo nodded in agreement.

Hawks made his way over to Fumikage, resting an elbow on his shoulder as he watched the chaos he created with a satisfied grin on his face. Fumikage shook his head, face palming. Hawks saw the expression on the teen's face and his grin grew before he turned back to the drama unfolding before him, ready to reap what he sowed.

Endeavor looked at his children with an expression halfway between hurt and disbelief. "Do you really think so lowly of me to believe I would disapprove of Shoto's sexuality and relationship?"

"Absolutely, yes." Dabi, Natsuo, and Shoto immediately responded, Fuyumi face palming.

The number one hero huffed, crossing his arms indignantly as he glared at All For One. "Well at least I'm not literally the most evil man in Japan."

"He does have you there." Hisashi nodded, shrugging when Izuku glared at him. "What? I've done terrible things in my life. I've kind of earned that title."

"Well at least Hisashi didn't put Inko in a hospital for most of her son's life after he traumatized her into attacking him." Rei sipped her water loudly, staring at Enji pointedly.

"That is one terrible thing I have not done." All For One looked Endeavor up and down judgmentally. "Maybe we should get together and have a conversation about parenting. Bakugou can join us. It'll be a fathers' outing."

"Oh please, like you know anything about being a father. You were absent for most of my life until you decided to kidnap one of my boyfriends before we even started dating because you thought he was getting in the way of my relationship with my other boyfriend before I was dating him either." Izuku sneered. "You just watched my life from afar, like some weird faceless stalker."

"Unfair. I have a face again."

"And he did a decent job with me." Shigaraki defended his adoptive father from his spot on the couch next to Toga and Twice, the one that was thrown at them when they first arrived.

"Shigaraki is the coolest person I know!"

"He is an absolute loser!"

"I agree with Twice." Toga nodded, a grin on her face when Shigaraki scowled at them.

"I'm sorry, but why are you sitting on our couch?" Denki huffed from his place in Eijiro's arms.

"Why did someone throw a couch at us?"

"Uh, you kidnapped my boyfriend and his best friend?" Denki arched a brow, lifting his head off Eijrio's chest to squint at the villains.

"Fair enough, we might've deserved a couch to the face then."

Tsuyu raised a hand, somehow getting everyone's attention. She pointed at Izuku, a question in her eyes. "You, your mom, and All For One keep acting like he is married to your mother and is your father. Is he?"

"Yes." Hisashi nodded proudly.

"Unfortunately." Inko and Izuku sighed at the same time.

All For One looked at his wife and child with an offended expression. They rolled their eyes in return.

Mashirao asked for an explanation of the situation, so Izuku complied, launching into a brief history of his family.

"My parents met in a pretty casual way, actually. At a cafe. Mom was leaving and the bastard bumped into her. Apparently, he became infatuated right away and asked to buy her a replacement order since he ruined hers. They got to talking, started dating, got married, made me, and then dear old father left to continue his villainous ways when I was a baby." Cue a scowl towards said man from his son. "Mom had no idea he was a villain until she saw the fight where All Might absolutely destroyed him - serves you right, by the way, for leaving mom like that - and she was devastated. She thought I was going to be taken from her if anyone found out she was married to the worst supervillain in history. Luckily, nobody found out...until I got to UA."

The class gaped at Izuku. "UA knows your dad is All For One?"

"Well, no. Only principal Nedzu does for staff. Kacchan and Shoto found out after we rescued Kacchan from the League."

Ochako nodded. "How did the League know about your relationship well before us?"

Katsuki snorted. "That's easy. The League helped us all get together."

There was a long stretch of silence as 2-A stared at the League of Villains, Izuku, Katsuki, and Shoto, their mouths hanging open.

A collective intake of air was heard.

Then, the loudest, most Earth shattering sound ever came out most of the class' and some of the parent's mouths.


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