don't mind me just watching

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It had been a few days since Izuku, Katsuki, and Shoto had their failed movie night and subsequent planning session on how to further confuse their gossip hungry classmates and nothing out of the ordinary happened.

Well, out of the ordinary for Class 2-A.

Kyouka and Momo went on a date Sunday evening, returning to Mineta being back in the time out corner for the second day in a row. Tenya was helping Ochako, Tsuyu, and Toru with the latest mathematics assignments at the table while Rikido was baking in the kitchen a couple yards away, Denki and Hanta circling like the vultures they are.

Mina was doing face masks with Eijiro and Yuga in the common rooms while Katsuki and Shoto were having a heated debate over a book and who they believed a character was better suited for.

The rest of the class was in their dorm rooms, the only person seemingly out of place for the time of day was Izuku, who would normally be either with Tenya and Ochako studying, Mina doing face masks, or with Katsuki or Shoto and doing whatever the other was up to.

All in all a typical weekend for Class 2-A.

The academic week picked back up without much fanfare, nothing noteworthy happening. Everything was calm, everyone getting along better than normal. Katsuki hadn't even blown up at anyone and it was already the fourth day of the school week.

It was all so...suspicious.

Most of Class 2-A was waiting for something to happen, something big and dramatic.

And something did happen, it just wasn't what the class was expecting.

The something was neither big nor dramatic, but it was definitely noteworthy for those invested in BakuDeku.

It happened on the fourth day of the school week, classes had just been let out and the students of 2-A were all making their way to the dorms in a semi cohesive group. Fumikage and Kyouka were chatting with each other, exchanging playlists while they walked. Momo and Tenya were busy discussing how to improve upon quirk usage, Izuku occasionally adding his input into the conversation. Mashirao and Toru were trying to set up a study group with Denki, Mina, and Mezo while Eijiro and Hanta watched a video on the former's phone.

"Hey, Deku!"

"Yeah, Kacchan?"

The slight hush that fell over the group was only barely noticeable as the class eavesdropped on the interaction.

Katsuki fell in step with the Izuku, pretending to ignore the rest of the class. "I'm going off campus with Shoto this afternoon."

Eyebrows rose at that, some students glancing at one another to have nonverbal conversations with just their expressions.


'Since when were they close enough to hang out together?'

'They've hung out before.'

'Not without Midoriya.'

'And to be on a first name basis?'

Izuku nodded. "Okay." He glanced at the heterochromatic teen. "Watch out for Kacchan, okay, Sho? He can be a bit reckless."


'What is happening?!'

"I know. Don't worry, Izuku, Katsuki will be safe with me." Shoto nodded back at the freckled teen, turning to the now fuming blond. "Ready to go?"



'When did this happen?!'

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