#11 - You Lose A Family Member: Part 2

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Y/G/N = your grandpa's name

You didn't hear Trent leave for the game that morning. You were sound asleep on the couch when he left, and he wasn't going to wake you up – he did cover you with a blanket though, and place a gentle kiss on your cheek before he headed out.

You woke up at 11am, which didn't give you much time to get to Anfield in time for the game, which kicked off at 12. You jumped up from the couch to get ready. Looking in the mirror, you realised you looked dreadful. You had large purple bags under your eyes along with tear tracks down your cheeks, which you washed away with some water. There was nothing you could do with the bags under your eyes if you wanted to make it to the game before kick-off.

You threw on your Liverpool shirt personalised with Trent's name and a 66 on the back with a pair of joggers, ran a brush through your hair and dashed downstairs to put your jacket on and leave. You arrived at Anfield with ten minutes to spare, dashing up to the players' lounge and out to your seat just as the players were walking out.

"I thought you weren't gonna show up!" Andy Robertson, who had the seat next to you, joked. He was injured so was left side lined for the game.

"I um...overslept." You explained.

"That's not like you. Anyway, where's the man, the myth, the legend?" Robbo asked, referring to the empty chair next to you that would usually be filled by your grandpa.

Your eyes instantly filled with tears as you turned to look at the empty seat next to you, realising that you would never attend a game with your grandpa again.

"Excuse me a moment." You said, before briskly making your way back into the lounge and into the bathroom, where you locked yourself in a stall and let the tears fall. You thought you'd be alone, but you heard the door creak open and footsteps enter.

"(Y/N)?" The voice belonged to Rebecca Henderson, Hendo's wife. She was sat in the row behind you, and had possibly seen you entering the toilets.

"Hmm?" You hummed in response, not trusting your voice.

"Is everything alright? You looked on the verge of tears when you walked past." Rebecca questioned.

"Um...yeah. I'm fine." You lied. You opened the cubical door and Rebecca could instantly see the tearstains on your cheeks.

"Love, what's going on?" She asked softly.

"My grandpa died early this morning." You whispered.

"Oh (Y/N)." Rebecca wrapped you in a tight hug and you found yourself crying into her shoulder.

"I wasn't gonna come, but he was gonna come with me and I think...I think he'd have wanted me to go." You explained.

"I suppose you're not really used to being here without him. He's been to most games here, if I remember rightly...if not all of them." Rebecca said. You nodded in response.

Suddenly, your phone pinged with a text. You decided to check it, in case it was your mum following up on your 2am phone call, but instead it was just Robbo.

"Apparently I just missed Trent getting an assist." You told Rebecca.

"Wow, already? He probably wants to perform his absolute best today...for your grandpa." Rebecca said cautiously, clearly not sure if she was saying the right thing. You gave her a small smile of reassurance.

"Yeah. You're probably right." You said. "Now, if I'm here I'm not gonna miss any more Trent assists, so I think we should head back out."

"Good idea." Rebecca agreed.

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