#75 - Flying Home For Christmas

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At the time it seemed like a great idea...but now, it felt like the worst.

You'd decided to treat yourself to a couple of days in Paris before Christmas. You'd worked some extra hours at your job the past couple of months to afford it, and you'd had a wonderful few days taking in the sights of the city. Now, it was time to head home...or rather, that was the plan.

It was Christmas Eve, and you were sat on the cold floor of Charles de Gaulle airport waiting for more information – a position you'd been in for a few hours now. Your flight had been due to leave at 11am that morning, and you were supposed to be back in the UK by midday, and reunited with your family by 2pm at the latest.

However, the time in Paris was now 4pm, and you still hadn't been on a plane home. You didn't want to bombard the front desk crew like everybody else was doing – after all, this situation wasn't their fault. There'd been an unprecedented heavy snowfall overnight, and the runways were all blocked meaning that it was impossible to fly.

You were starting to get overwhelmed by the sheer number of people around...and it was only made worse by the loud boys who were now sitting against the wall opposite you down the small corridor you'd found to the side of the toilets.

A few of the boys sat opposite their friends on the same side as you...not too close though, you still maintained your personal space. Were these boys on a school trip?

You looked up from your lap to take them in and that was when you realised they weren't boys – they were men. They all wore watching Liverpool FC tracksuits which immediately gave away who these men were...that and the fact that you were a Liverpool fan.

Now you didn't particularly mind your private little space being crashed.

"This is so shit." You heard Harvey Elliot complain.

"I'm sure we'll be able to fly later." Kostas Tsimikas shrugged.

"You saw the snow bro – it was so thick." Dominik Szoboszlai pointed out.

"There's still time – I wouldn't panic just yet." Andy Robertson shrugged.

"Well, my mum's pissed off – not with me but with the-" The scouse accent cut off as someone almost sat on top of you. You'd watched Trent Alexander-Arnold walk down the corridor pretty quickly, not paying too much attention to where he was going.

"Shit, I'm so sorry!" Trent cried.

"It's okay." You replied, as Andy, Kostas, Harvey and Dominik all burst out laughing.

"That's one way to get female attention!" Andy joked.

"Shut it." Trent blushed, sitting down next to you. "I really am sorry." He said again.

"It's fine, it was just an accident." You reassured him. "Good game last night by the way."

"Oh, thanks – did you watch?" Trent asked.

"I found it on one of the channels in my hotel – it was too cold to do much else last night." You said.

"Does this mean you're a Liverpool fan?" Andy asked you.

"Nope, I was actually supporting Marseille." You teased. All of the boys faces dropped, causing you to burst out laughing.

"I was just joking." You giggled.

"Oh thank god." Harvey sighed in relief.

"So, where's your family?" Trent questioned.

"Back in the UK – this was a solo trip. I just wanted to treat myself for Christmas. But now I really regret it." You sighed.

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