12 Days of Christmas Day 1: Decorating The Tree

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"This one looks good." You said, walking towards the Christmas tree that had caught your eye.

You and Trent were out shopping for the tree that you'd display in your living room this festive season.

"(Y/N) that one's taller than the house." Trent chuckled.

"So? We need a big tree." You pouted.

"I agree, just...not that big." Trent told you, taking your gloved hand in his. "What about that one over there."

Trent pointed towards a smaller tree, but one that was still big enough to stand out in your living room.

"That one's pretty too I guess." You said.

"In that case I'll start digging it out." Trent grabbed a shovel and started digging the ground around the tree to try and release it.

"Don't hurt yourself, I don't know how well Jürgen Klopp would take the explanation that you injured yourself digging up a Christmas tree." You told him.

"I've got biceps for days, don't you worry." Trent joked.

"Want any help?" You asked.

"No, no. Let the master handle this." Trent teased.

He removed his coat and picked up the shovel again, ready to continue digging. You watched on as he did, trying not to be too taken by his muscles, which were bulging out of his jumper as he pushed the shovel into the ground.

Eventually, the tree was loose and Trent was able to pull it out of the ground and wrap it up ready to take home.

After paying, the two of you made your way back to the car, securing the tree on top before taking the drive back to your house. You and Trent carried the tree inside and set it up in the corner of your living room.

"All we need to do now is decorate it." You said.

"I'll go and get the stuff from the attic." Trent told you.

He headed up into the attic and passed the boxes down to you to take downstairs. Soon enough, all of the decorations had been gathered and you were getting to work on the tree.

"Let's get the lights on first." You suggested.

"Good idea." Trent agreed.

The two of you got the lights wrapped around the tree and plugged them in before digging into the box of baubles.

"Which ones do you like the look of?" Trent asked you.

"I think we should go for the silver ones and then a few statement ones." You suggested.

"Okay, sounds good." Trent nodded.

You got to work organising the silver baubles on the tree while Trent hung some tinsel in the living room.

Once you were done with the silver baubles, you had a look at some of the more statement ones you had. These had been collected over the couple of years that you and Trent had been together, and you wanted to choose the right ones to put on the tree.

"What you looking at?" Trent asked, coming to join you as you peered into the box of baubles.

"I just wanna pick the perfect ones to go on the tree." You explained.

"This one for sure." Trent picked up the bauble he'd bought you to celebrate your first Christmas together.

"Definitely." You agreed.

"I really like this one too." Trent picked out a Liverpool FC bauble.

"Of course that one makes the cut." You smiled. "What about this one?"

You picked out a bauble that you and Trent had bought at the Liverpool Christmas market last year.

"Yeah, that one's gorgeous." Trent agreed.

You got to work hanging the baubles on the tree while Trent looked though the box. He picked out a bauble that his mum had gifted the pair of you last year, and one that he'd bought you from Spain when he'd played there around Christmas in the Champion's League.

You found the perfect place for them on the tree, and before long it was looking beautiful.

"I think it looks amazing." Trent told you, admiring your work.

"Thanks. I love what you've done with the tinsel." You said.

"I think this room is officially looking festive." Trent smiled.

The two of you returned the empty boxes of decorations to the attic before relaxing on the couch for a bit, snuggled in each other's arms you admired your festive lounge.


Sorry for having this up a day late, I lost track of the days and thought that today was the 13th rather than yesterday. I'll be posting Day 2 later today.

Thank you for reading Day 1 of this little one shot series! I hope you enjoyed it, and I'll be back with part 2 in a bit :)

El x

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