#70 - Pregnancy Series 4: Telling His Teammates

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"Do you have to drive like that, you're making me feel sick." You complained.

"Drive like what?" Trent chuckled.

"I dunno...fast, rough." You explained.

"I'm at the speed limit...and it's not my fault there's potholes."

"How're you feeling?" You asked.

"Good. I've asked Robbo to meet us in the carpark a bit before training starts so we can tell him first. Then we can tell the others after the session's over." Trent said.

"I'm nervous." You admitted.

"Nervous? Why?" Trent frowned.

"I dunno." You shrugged.

"Everyone's gonna be happy for us. And if they're not for whatever reason...who cares? We're happy, and that's all that matters." Trent told you, as he swung the car into the carpark at the AXA Training Centre and pulled into his parking space.

You spotted Robbo's car already in the carpark, and as soon as he saw you driving in he made his way over.

"What's going on?" He asked suspiciously.

"What do you mean?" Trent asked.

"You asked me to meet you in the carpark before training, your Mrs is here too...so what's going on?" Robbo questioned.

"Let's go sit." Trent suggested, leading the way to the seating area for friends and family to watch training sessions.

"Now I'm getting worried." Robbo said, as the three of you sat down.

"Don't be worried, we just have a present for you." You explained. "Close your eyes."

"Close my- no. Not happening. This is far too sus." Robbo said.

"Please mate, just trust me." Trent smirked.

"If you put something horrible in my hand I swear to god I'm gonna make this training session so difficult for you..." Robbo muttered, closing his eyes and holding out his hand.

You reached you're your handbag and pulled out your positive pregnancy test, setting the plastic stick in Robbo's hand along with one of the photos from your ten week ultrasound.

"You can open your eyes now." Trent said. You smiled, taking his hand.

Robbo looked down at the plastic test, his eyes widening when he realised what it was.

"No way!" He cried. "You're pregnant? You're gonna be a dad?"

"I am indeed." Trent nodded.

"Wait...you peed on this!" Robbo exclaimed, thrusting the pregnancy test back into your hand.

"I washed it, don't worry." You chuckled.

"How long have you known? How many months are you? When's the baby due? Is it a boy or a-"

"Slow down." Trent interrupted. "I've known since my birthday, (Y/N) found out she was pregnant the day before and surprised me." He explained.

"I'm three months along, and the baby's due on June 1st. We don't know if it's a boy or girl yet." You said.

"Are you gonna find out?" Robbo asked.

"We haven't had that conversation yet, but I'd like to know." You replied.

"So would I." Trent agreed.

"Well that was a quick conversation." Robbo teased.

"In that case yes, we are gonna find out. Can we do a gender reveal party as well?" You asked Trent.

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