32 - Red Flags

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Warning: This one-shot contains themes of physical and emotional abuse. If this is something that is triggering for you, please do not read this one-shot.


You'd been in a relationship with your boyfriend Liam for just under a year now, and you'd moved in together a couple of weeks ago. Since moving in with him, a few cracks had started to show in the relationship – it just seemed as if he wasn't that into you anymore.

He seemed to be constantly annoyed or angry with you, and because of this you always felt like you'd done something wrong. He was also belittling and insulting you a lot, but he always assured you he didn't mean it, and that he'd only said it in anger. You just assumed that the relationship was going through a rough patch, but would soon be back on track.

"(Y/N), you haven't started dinner yet." Liam observed as he arrived home from work that evening.

"The oven's just heating up, I'm gonna start in a sec." You told him.

"You knew what time I was coming home from work, you could've had it ready! Or are you too stupid to think of that?" Liam shouted.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't sure what you wanted tonight." You said, slightly hurt by Liam's previous comment.

"Use your fucking head (Y/N)! You know what I like!" Liam cried.

"Okay, I'm sorry. I'll start now." You said, scurrying into the kitchen to prepare some food.

"What's he doing texting you?" Liam asked you, entering the kitchen with your phone in his hand.

You looked closer and realised he was referring to a text message you'd just received from your best friend Trent. The two of you had been friends your whole lives, since your parents were friends before the pair of you were even born.

"Oh, I was gonna surprise you with tickets for the game this weekend. Trent was sorting them out for me." You explained.

"So you mean to tell me you're talking to another man behind my back?" Liam questioned.

"Well...not exactly. I was arranging something nice for you." You justified.

"You're fucking stupid! Why would you even want to be friends with another man! Am I not enough for you?" Liam asked.

"No Liam, of course you are, I just-"

"Stop acting like a bitch (Y/N)." Liam told you, before making his way back to the lounge, slamming the door behind him.

You couldn't help but let a few tears slide down your cheeks. You just hoped whatever was bothering Liam stopped soon, because you weren't sure how much longer you could put him with him treating you the way he was.

You put the dinner in the oven, the returned to the lounge where Liam was watching the news. The doorbell rang, and Liam looked at you expectantly so you headed to answer it. When you did, you spotted Trent on the doorstep. Your eyes widened in panic, unsure what Liam would like if he knew Trent was here.

"Trent, now's not exactly a good time." You said, stepping outside the house.

"Oh, sorry." Trent said.

"No, don't apologise. Just...make this quick, before..."

"Before what?" Trent frowned.

"Nothing." You mumbled.

"Have you been crying?" Trent asked.

One of Trent's many talents was being able to see right through you, so it was no surprise that he knew something was wrong.

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