#28 - Under The Weather

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As soon as he woke up that morning you could tell Trent was out of sorts – his face was a little pale, and his eyes looked tired despite the 8 hours of sleep he'd just had.

"Morning." He greeted you, his voice full of congestion.

"You okay?" You asked him.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Why?" Trent frowned. Ah, so he wanted to play that game.

It wasn't the first time he'd tried this with you. In fact, every time he was sick he tried it. He thought that, if he just pretended everything was fine, you'd just assume he was okay. But little did Trent know that you could read him like a book, and could easily pick up on the fact that he wasn't feeling himself.

"Because you look a bit pale." You told him.

"Oh, really? It's probably because I've just woken up." Trent shrugged, sitting up and rubbing his eyes. It's probably because you're not well, you thought.

"You also sound like you're stuffed up." You pointed out.

"I'm not." Trent said.

He quickly escaped to the bathroom before you could grill him anymore, and you heard the shower start running. Soon enough, Trent was done in the shower and was returning to the bedroom to get ready for the day ahead. It was match day, and Liverpool would be playing Brighton at Anfield in the Premier League.

"Are you sure you're okay to play today bub?" You asked Trent softly.

"Yeah, of course. Why wouldn't I be?" Trent replied.

"You just...don't really seem yourself. If you're not feeling well then you won't be able to play your best, and you'll probably just end up making yourself feel worse. Maybe you're better off phoning in sick and staying in bed today." You suggested.

Trent didn't reply straight away, and you wondered if that meant he was thinking about it.

"I can't miss such a big game. Plus, I'm feeling fine." Trent said, pulling on his socks.

"Are you sure?" You questioned.

"(Y/N), you worry too much." Trent chuckled.

"I know, I know, I just wanna look out for you, that's all." You responded.

"I know. And it's adorable." Trent smiled.

He grabbed his bag out the wardrobe and made sure he had everything he needed for the game.

"If it gets to half time and you don't feel well just ask to be subbed." You told Trent, as you saw him out to the front door.

"I'll be fine." Trent said. You gave him a quick hug before he was out the door and on the way to the game.


Trent's POV

How does she do that? I swear I hadn't already opened my eyes and she could already see through me like glass. She's right – I'm not feeling great today at all. But I can't let the team down so close to the end of the season, when they need me most. And I can't let (Y/N) down either. She'll be in the crowd expecting to see me play. I have to make her proud.

I arrived at the training centre and parked up – we get the team bus together from the training centre. I headed inside and met up with Hendo, Robbo and Milly.

"Jesus Christ, look what the cat dragged in." Robbo said when he saw me. "You look dreadful mate." He added.

"Thank you." I said sarcastically. I wasn't aware I was so transparent to my teammates as well.

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