#25 - Dear Patience (songfic)

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This one is loosely based off of the song Dear Patience by Niall Horan - if you'd like to listen to the song I've linked it above :)

'Coz I fall too fast, and I go down blazing'

Trent's POV

She's the one. The real deal. I've never felt like this before, as cliché as it sounds. We've only been going out for three months, but I can already see us getting married, and having kids. 

Trent – you need to slow down. This has been your downfall in the past, and the last thing you want to do is fuck it up again. Not with her. Not when you've found the perfect girl for you.

There's no need to rush – just take your time and enjoy every moment with her. Watching movies snuggled under blankets, strolling through the woods in the warm summer heat, eating at her favourite restaurant.

And all her little quirks – the way she bites her lip to try and stop herself from blushing after you call her beautiful, the way she always cries when we watch sad films, and the way she plays with the ends of her hair when she's nervous. I think – no – I know I'm falling in love with her. But what if it's too soon?

I have this awful tendency to move way too fast in relationships. I get worried that the person I'm with gets bored of me, and in order to try and prevent that, I end up trying to move things along at a pace faster than what they're ready for. And that leads to me being dumped. I can't get dumped again – not now I'm falling in love.

I just need to take things slow, and trust that (Y/N)isn't getting bored of me. I mean, we've been having an amazing time together so far. Maybe the best way to keep her interested is to keep taking her on different dates. And treat her like the princess she is.

There's so many things I want to do with her – I want to take her to Paris, and have dinner at the top of the Eiffel Tower overlooking the city. I want to take her to Venice, and ride a gondola on the river. I want to get her tickets for a Liverpool game, because we only started dating at the end of last season so she's not had the opportunity to watch me play yet. And I want to do her proud when she does get to see me.

Three months we've been together. Some might say that's too soon for me to be falling in love. But this is what I'm best at – falling way too fast. I don't intend on telling (Y/N) I love her for a while. The last thing I want to do is scare her off, and make her uncomfortable. The three months we've spent together have flown by, and I can't wait to see what's next for us.

"Trent?" (Y/N) gave me a nudge, snapping me out of my thought.

"What? Sorry." I said, coming back down to earth.

"I was just wondering if you wanted to go out for dinner tonight?" (Y/N) asked me.

"Yeah. That'd be great." I smiled. "My treat though."

"What! You paid last time! Surely it's my turn to pay?" (Y/N) pointed out.

"Nope. I wanna treat you – you deserve it." I insisted.

(Y/N) smiled, biting her lip to try and prevent the blush that was spreading over her cheeks.

"Well, thanks." She said.

"My pleasure." I replied, leaning down to give (Y/N) a kiss.

"Where should we go then?" (Y/N) questioned.

"Your choice." I shrugged.

"What about the new grill that just opened in town?" (Y/N) suggested.

"Yeah, sounds good. We can head out in a bit if you want." I said.

Trent Alexander-Arnold ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now