#51 - Secret Relationship

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"So what time does your train get in?" Trent asked you over the phone. He was on England duty since it was the international break, and since his hotel was only an hour away from Liverpool you were going down to spend some time with him while he was there.

"Half past seven, so I'll be at the hotel by 8." You answered.

"I think I'm due back at about half past. Maybe you can wait in the lobby, that way you'll see me walk in and know I'm back." Trent suggested.

"Yeah, sounds good." You agreed.

"Then I'll call you when I'm back to my room and you can...have a proper conversation with me then mum, since I'm a bit busy right now." Trent stammered. What was he doing?

"Did you just call me mum?" You asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, I'm in a training session with the lads." Trent replied.

"What are you on about?" You frowned.

"Harry was walking past, I had to come up with a cover." Trent explained, his voice now lower than it was before.

"Ah, that makes sense. Which Harry?"

"Maguire." Trent said.

Yours and Trent's relationship was very private. The only people who knew you were together was your families. Trent hadn't even told his teammates and friends because he was worried they might accidentally slip up in an interview, or training video, and expose your relationship.

It wasn't that you didn't want people knowing you were together. Trent was concerned that, if the press found out about yours and his relationship, they'd be on your tail wherever you went and you wouldn't be able to live a normal, private life. He cared so deeply for you, and didn't want to risk losing you because of something like that. So it was easier to just keep your relationship a secret from as many people as possible.

"What were you saying? Before Harry walked by?" You asked.

"Oh yeah – I was gonna say you can sneak up to my room, do our secret knock and then I'll let you in." Trent told you.

"Yeah, sounds like a plan. What's your room number?" You questioned.

"It's 694." Trent responded.

"Okay great. I'll see you a little bit later then." You said.

"See you soon." Trent smiled, before ending the call and presumably heading back to training since his lunch was over.

You spent the rest of your afternoon chilling out before you had to catch your train to Burton-on-Trent. Once you arrived, you got in a taxi to take you to the hotel the England team were staying at. You sat in the lobby and waited for the team to arrive back.

It wasn't long before you spotted the England players beginning to file through. Trent was somewhere in the middle of the pack. He spotted you sat down at a table in the lobby, and managed to disguise making eye contact with you as pointing out something to Hendo in the distance.

You watched the players get into the lifts, then timed fifteen minutes to make sure they were all back to their rooms before heading over yourself, where you took the lift to the top floor. You peered round the edge of the hallway but spied Phil Foden walking down the corridor so quickly ducked back into the elevator so as not to be seen. Once you heard the close of a door, you assumed Phil had entered his room so you peered around the corner of the elevator once more and noticed that the coast was clear.

You quickly but quietly crept down the hallway until you were outside Trent's room, where you used the prearranged knock that you and Trent always used when you were meeting in secret, so you knew it was each other at the door. Trent opened the door and quickly ushered you inside.

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