#74 - Pregnancy Series 7: First Kick

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"So, how's my wife and son doing?" Trent asked, placing a kiss on the top of your head as he sat next to you in the players' lounge at Anfield. Liverpool had just played Fulham in the Premier League, and had won 3-0.

"All the better for seeing you score today." You smiled.

"I've gotta keep you both entertained." Trent joked.

"You should've seen her Trentski, she couldn't stop crying!" Robbo laughed. He was injured so had watched the game with you that day.

"Crying?" Trent frowned in concern.

"Yeah, I was just so proud of you for scoring. My hormones are all over the place." You giggled.

"You can say that again." Robbo mumbled.

"Is this why you were crying at that murder mystery show you were watching yesterday when the guy got killed?" Trent asked.

"Probably." You chuckled.

"Do you or our son need anything?" Trent questioned.

"I think we're both okay for now, thanks." You replied.

"I should think so, she already made me go and get her food from the buffet." Robbo pouted.

"Hey, she's pregnant, if she needs to rest she needs to rest." Trent pointed out.

"Nah, I just couldn't be bothered to move." You giggled.

"Hey! You told me your feet were sore!" Robbo cried.

"Sorry not sorry." You shrugged.

"That's brilliant babe!" Trent exclaimed, laughing as he offered you a high-five.

"I only did it for my godson anyway." Robbo teased.

All of a sudden, you felt a small pain in your stomach. You frowned, resting a hand on your small bump.

"What? What is it? Is it time? Is the baby coming? Should I call an ambulance? Actually scrap that it'll be quicker if I drive, if I get caught speeding I'm sure the police would understand why and-"

"Trent!" You cried, cutting him off. "The baby isn't coming. I'm only midterm."

"Oh thank god." Trent breathed a sigh of relief.

You felt the small pain again, although this time with your hand on your bump you were able to work out exactly what it was.

"Oh my god." You said quietly, your eyes filling with tears.

"What's going on?" Trent asked. You just grabbed his hand, placing it on your bump and hoping it happened again, which it did only a few seconds later.

"Oh my god." Trent smiled. "Was that?"

"Yes." You confirmed, throwing your arms around Trent. Grinning, he hugged you back, leaving Robbo looking very confused on the other side of the table.

"Don't leave me out of the loop, what's happening?" Robbo questioned.

"Your godson just kicked for the first time." Trent told his friend, while you dried your eyes.

"Wait, really?" Robbo asked excitedly.

"Yep. Come over here and feel if you like, he's really moving around in there." You said.

Robbo jumped up from his chair, making his way over and resting a hand on your bump.

"Oh my goodness that's precious." He said.

"I know." You smiled.

"He must know he's at Anfield – maybe he's trying to tell us he wants to play for Liverpool like his daddy." Trent beamed.

"Maybe." You nodded. "Maybe he knows you scored today."

"Just don't kick your mummy too hard, okay? I don't wanna see her in pain." Trent softly spoke to your bump.

"He's wriggling a bit too close to my bladder now." You chuckled, getting up to head to the toilet.

"You've already been four times since kick off!" Robbo exclaimed.

"That's what happens when you're pregnant." You shrugged, before heading for the bathroom.

On your way back, you heard Trent talking to Robbo about you, so you decided to stay out of sight so you could listen.

"She's so amazing for being here even though she's pregnant and feels sick most of the time." He said.

"She did turn a little green at one point during the game." Robbo replied.

"She's gonna be the best mum to our little boy, I just know it." Trent smiled.

"I can tell. You'll be just as good a dad y'know mate." Robbo told Trent.

"Did you just...compliment me?"

"I did, so make the most of it." Robbo joked. You returned to the table, taking a seat next to Trent and planting a kiss on his lips.

"Whoa, stop the PDA please, there are children present!" Robbo teased, pointing to your bump.

"How do you think the child exists?" Trent joked.

"Dirty!" Robbo cried.

"Are mum and baby okay?" Trent asked you.

"Mum and baby are great. Baby's still very active." You chuckled.

"Should we head back home?" Trent suggested.

"Sure." You agreed. 

So the three of you got ready to leave the stadium. You and Trent bid goodbye to Robbo before heading back home, where he spent the remainder of the evening with his hand on your bump feeling your son's every move.


Sorry it's been so long since the last update, I got busy with work and then my boyfriend came down for a few days.

Thank you so much for reading - I hope you enjoyed. Just a heads up that I probably won't post the next Pregnancy Series instalment until after Christmas. This is because I have a little plan for a Christmas one shot or two I want to write so stay tuned for that :)

Also, Trent's been playing well recently hasn't he? Idc what anybody says, he scored twice v Fulham :)

Anyway, I'll be back soon with the next one shot, which will most likely be a Christmas one.

El x

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