#44 - To (Y/N) And Trent

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This one is a request for ZoiiP9909 - thank you so much for your request and I hope you like it :)


"Can I get everybody's attention please?" Robbo asked loudly, tapping on the side of his champagne flute with his knife. Trent was frowning up at his friend and best man for the day.

"I'd like to make a speech." Robbo announced.

"Fucking hell, here we go." Trent mumbled. You gave his hand a squeeze, supressing laughter.

As he was the best man at yours and Trent's wedding, it was no surprise that Robbo had a speech planned. You and Trent had been married earlier in the day during a beautiful ceremony in front of all of your friends and family, and Trent's Liverpool teammates. Being Trent's best friend, Robbo was the obvious choice for best man – Trent did have two brothers, but didn't think it was fair to choose between them which they'd completely understood.

"I heard that Trentski." Robbo said.

"Can you blame me for dreading this?" Trent chuckled.

"You're absolutely right to be dreading it." Robbo teased. The other guests chuckled.

"I remember the first day I met Trent – it was a Friday, a few days before our Champions' League qualifier against Hoffenheim. I remember being told he was 18 and being shocked – not because he looked older because he looked about 16 – but because he was so mature for his age." Robbo said. Trent rolled his eyes, fighting back a smile.

"He was so young, yet so brilliant. I'm not shocked in the slightest that he's where he is now. A couple days after we met was the Champion's League qualifier against Hoffenheim, like I said. I wasn't eligible to play yet so I was watching on in the stands. It was the first time I'd seen the team play. When we were given the free kick I have to say I wasn't expecting Trent to take it. But when he scored, I knew we had a seriously talented young lad on our hands, and I couldn't wait to be his right hand man...well, actually I suppose he's my right hand man, but you get what I mean." Robbo continued.

"Trent was single when I met him, and being honest he didn't have a clue how to talk to girls." You had to chuckle at that part, because it was very true.

"As soon as Trent laid his eyes on (Y/N) I could tell he fancied the pants off her. I'm surprised she wasn't creeped out by how hard he was staring at her!"

"I wasn't that bad!" Trent cried.

"You were to be fair!" You giggled.

"Oi! Who's side are you on?" Trent teased.

"Stop interrupting my speech!" Robbo joked. "Anyway, where was I? Ah, Trent staring at (Y/N). (Y/N) quickly caught on, and since she was a massive Red she recognised Trent straight away. The best part of all this was that it turned out (Y/N) had a slightly different celebrity crush..."

"Robbo, I thought we agreed we were never mentioning that again!" You laughed, blushing.

"I thought that too!" Trent cried.

"Turns out that (Y/N) thought I was the bees knees! Had my name on her Liverpool shirt n everything!" Robbo bragged. "All of that changed when she spoke to this one though – he's always stealing my thunder, especially when it comes to assists." Robbo teased, giving Trent a nudge.

"For someone who couldn't speak to girls for shit, he did a brilliant job at winning (Y/N) over. They were getting on like a house on fire, chatting and laughing all night and eventually swapping numbers. A few dates later they were official, and on their three year anniversary Trentski finally had the balls to pop the question – he'd wanted to do it on (Y/N)'s birthday a few months earlier but was scared she'd say no, even after I laughed at him for having such a ridiculous thought." This was the first time you were hearing of this.

"Is that true?" You asked Trent.

"Maybe." Trent mumbled, slightly embarrassed.

"I would've said yes whenever you'd asked...well, after the year and half point." You said.

"Would you two stop interrupting my speech please!" Robbo pouted jokingly.

"So anyway, Trent popped the question and now here we are! From the word go and I kinda called it that we'd get to this point. I could see how much these two were falling in love with each other – Trentski was whipped from the word go!"

"I was not whipped!" Trent exclaimed.

"You were mate, don't even try and deny it!" Robbo chuckled. "I could just tell by the way Trent treated (Y/N) that he'd found the one. And (Y/N) reciprocated those feelings – wow, it's a big word for me that, reciprocated. Anyway, from day 1 at Liverpool Trent and I were mates. I wouldn't say I took him under my wing because he was there before me, but I always saw him like a little brother and I wanted to look out for him. Even though he's at the big age of 23 now, he's still my little broski, and as corny as it sounds I'm proud of him today. As for (Y/N), she's like my little sister. We hit it off straight away due to our similar sense of humour – making fun of Trent."

"Oi!" Trent pouted.

"I honestly don't think either (Y/N) or Trent could have found anyone better for them. So, here's to the happy couple. To (Y/N) and Trent."

Everybody raised their glasses and joined in Robbo's toast whilst you and Trent shared a kiss.

"Alright, I know my speech was brilliant but it didn't warrant that reaction!" Robbo cried, re-taking his seat. "At least you're not crying though."

"My mum's crying." Trent said, signalling over to his mother at the opposite end of the table.

"Oh god, don't tell me that means I'm going sappy!" Robbo exclaimed.

"You might just be mate." Trent chuckled. "In all seriousness mate, it was a good speech."

"Well, I'm glad you liked it." Robbo smiled.

"I'd like to raise a toast of my own." You told the two boys.

"Go on." Trent prompted.

"To you two – to the wingmen." You raised your glass, and Trent and Robbo raised theirs, smiling. The three of you clinked your glasses together.

"To the wingmen."


Thank you again to ZoiiP9909 for the request - I hope you like what I did with it!

Thank you so much for reading! I was gone for a while since I was on holiday - I was meant to go on Saturday but our flight got delayed until Sunday morning, but at least we made it and had a great time! I got back early Friday morning, but had a busy weekend with last minute Florida prep so I didn't have time to write.

I fly to Florida on Sunday and I couldn't be more excited! I'm all packed and ready to go now. I will be closing requests on this book whilst I'm gone - more info on that can be found on my most recent announcement. I'll be reopening requests when I get home.

I'll be back soon with another update - I'm hoping to get one more in before I fly :)

El x

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