Till the Sirens Blare

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Harry's POV

It was a few hours of writing and carefully sketching the muggle creatures on earth, that I realized I was almost out of pages. Thinking back I remembered a spell Hermione taught me in fifth year which duplicated pages if you run out. Taking my wand from my ankle (secured there with some string), I carefully practiced the wand movement before spelling the book.

I continued writing surprised that the book did not get any thicker. I explained the different countries and the humans there with sketches of their slight differences. I explained what I knew of each of the cultures only muggles of course.

After that I outlined jobs and money and how we earned it. I outlined houses and living spaces. I outlined roads and transports. I drew pictures of fruits and foods with a few recipes I knew from cooking at the Dursley's. I then began explaining etiquette, eating practices, opening the door for the female, etc. 

Once I was done with that I explained medicine. I explained that if caught in time we could reconnect someone's arm. How muggles could put someone else's heart in a dying human and cure them. I explained about stitching and healing. Once I was done with that section, I explained the government and their different hierarchies', from Kings and Queens to Emperors and Presidents.

Eventually my explanation of the muggle world was complete. I was about to begin explaining the Wizarding side of the world when the door opened and Karlum and Hulion came in. I sighed, Hulion was covered in sweat--I think--and Karlum was panting. I frowned and waved Hulion to the bathroom where I could hear the circle tub being filled with water, which took only seconds.

Karlum had calmed down after a few seconds and was curiously looking over my bench which was covered in sketches of different humans. He was looking through them trying to find something, but whatever it was he couldn't find it and he gave a disappointed sigh.

I tilted my head curiously and he finally asked, "Your Human type...Where is your Human type Harry?" He asked exasperatedly. 

I flinched and hoped of my bed walking over to the bench, looking through the Chinese, Japanese, African, and others, before I found the English. I lifted the page and carefully placed it into his hands, then hopped back onto my bed.

Karlum was looking at me strangely after that, like there was something wrong. I ignored it and decided to ask him about earlier.

"What were you and Hulion doing that made you both so icky?"  I asked not knowing another word to describe it.

Karlum smirked making his tusks stand out all the more, O cringed. "We were in the training rooms. We were fighting." He told me and I nodded, taking my book from its place on the bed and brought it over to my bench for me to look over. Hermione and I had discovered during the Triwizard Tournament that moving pictures and perfect sketches were done by Wizards...who sketched the outline of the picture, the wandlessly pushed their magic and the vision of how it should look into the sketch, and the magic would color it and change it to take that shape.

I picked up the discarded pictures on my desk and started with the one representing England. I carefully thought about Ron in his adult age--who I had based the image around--my magic easily entered the sketch making the sketch almost unearthly. The picture showing his grim determination, then moving into his kind smile he always sent me before a battle began. The picture was almost 3D and was exactly like moving photographs.

I marveled at it for a while before picking it up and turning around. I showed it to Karlum whose eyes widened again and he gingerly took the sketch. 

I proceeded to do the same to all of the examples of people from different countries. He was amazed to see how different and yet how similar we all were.

I had just finished when I realized I couldn't reach up the wall to pin any of the pictures up on my side, so I turned to Karlum. "Karlum...c-could you put my sketches up on-on the wall please? Its, um, I just can't r-reach it." Karlum gave me a goofy smile. His tusks making it look ridiculous. He gingerly gathered up all my pictures and proceeded to easily pin them up.

Hulion came out of the bathroom with some new clothes on and a towel around his neck. When he started gaping at the moving pictures on the wall, I smiled at him. "I happen to be part of the magic species of Wizards." I told them quietly.

We were marveling at the waving pictures when a loud blaring sound screamed through the ship and the ship tilted its axis...causing me to fly across the room and crash heavily against the wall...the air knocked out of me.

Hulion was by my side in seconds, crouching down to my height, his hands fluttered gently over my body as I struggled to regain my breath.

After my breathing was returned to normal he picked me up and lay me on my bed, as he jumped onto his, I realized with a start that Karlum was gone.

I started to sit up as the blaring alarm continued, Hulion hopped off his bed. A huge metal contraption flung over his shoulder with a strap, he gently pushed me back down onto the bed. "Little Human, stay in the rooms, and if anyone comes in hide--and hide well--do not come out until I fetch you, for I fear you will be taken to be sold." He told me seriously as I tried to get up and out of the bed. I nodded to him, laying back down on the bed.

Karlum crashed in through the room, his own metal weapon slung across his back. "Hulion! Its the Zaargt Pirates! They want our power core and they want slaves! They are boarding through the west of the ship. We need every weapon down there, hurry! We MUST go!" He yelled panicking and they both fled through the door, locking it behind them.

Thank you for reading this chapter! I barely changed anything, and only then it was to add more grammatically correct  things. Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed the flow!


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