to leave the world behind

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I hated being the master of death. There is nothing I hated more. After killing Voldemort, his followers decided to chance guerilla warfare, killing Aurors as they entered the ministry, or shooting brooms out of the sky. Pretty soon they had gathered enough followers to start another war. This war lasted ten years and in that time I still looked 17. I had not aged a day since I picked up the last of the hollows. Hermione, Ron, the Twins, Ginny, everyone from my grade died in the two wars.The muggle population became aware of magic and a nuclear bomb was dropped on our London Wizarding communities by America sparking a war between the muggles where America's Wizarding world was also destroyed. Pretty soon Witches and Wizards hid among the muggles, the Mud-bloods as Draco Malfoy loved to say came out on top. All of the Purebloods died, our war was destroyed in favor of the muggle war.I hid among them eventually drafted by London into the muggle war. I protested loudly but there was nothing I could do.It was in the war I discovered that they could not kill me, that I could not die. At one point I was shot through the heart and my heart I could feel healing painfully. It healing in a few weeks leaving parallel scars on my chest and back.After that I was shot again through the shoulder and allowed a muggle nurse to look at it. She brutally stitched it together and sent me home, for that I was grateful.This war did not train us, we had no Marine Corp where we learned to run, to hide, and to camouflage. The world was in such ruins that England began picking kids off the street and pushing a gun into their hands before shoving them to the front lines. I was on the front lines six times and helped teach them how to take the safety off and how to shoot it. It's the best I could do to give them a fighting chance.It was 12 years into the muggle war that North Korea began trying to declare war on us both...Neither America or England attacked him, simply ignoring his threats. Two years later he dropped an atomic bomb on both our Countries. That sparked the end of anything living. I was the only survivor in England. I came out of that unscathed as I used an extremely strong shield charm. I tried to protect others but the gas from the aftermath killed everyone else.With both England and half of Europe gone, and America gone completely, the fumes from the bomb remained and began spreading across the world...killing crops and animals. The "clever" muggles built gas masks to save themselves where they then began to starve to death instead.In another hundred years most humans were dead, I walked around the remains of Europe no mask was needed for me. I was pulled from the street. I shot a few spells off but I was captured anyways.Living things from then on I knew would only hurt me. The muggles who captured me were angry because the Wizarding communities did this to the world. They tried to kill me and when they realized they couldn't they tortured me. Whipping my back somedays, burning my feet others. It was ten years when they finally started dying.My body was bruised, cut, and very scarred. The last of the men of the the muggles in the world was in a uniform. It was a NASA uniform. I scoffed, he blamed me when NASA people built more atomic bombs. He died in my cell carving the words murderer down my arm. After that it was a matter of maneuvering his body which was slouched at the base of my chair, and lifting it in such a way that I could get the keys and unlock the padlock holding the chains in place.Finally, I could stand. I crouched down next to him and emptied his pockets finding the gun he always kept shooting me with, and placed that in my belt. I took his various keys, cards, and found my wand, then I escaped.I left the strange bunker they had and walked around the ghost like world I now lived in. The people in that bunker had tried every way to kill me, and yes decapitation doesn't work. Nor does cutting off any limb as the death magic I now have would reach to the pieces of the severed limb and stick it back onto my body...leaving a thin white line. They cut off my arms 6 different times, destroying the severed things in different ways. They tired acid, but my arm would not melt. They tied burning it but it just went black with soot which could be brushed off.What they hadn't tried. however, was sending me with no air into space. I wasn't sure that would work either, but I might even land on a star or sun and burn up...finally resting with my friends. After a few days, I finally decided to do it. I would have just killed myself with the veil, but the bombs took it out. Using apparition I apparated to the moon using up my extensive reserves, and even then I didn't make it to the moon.My body floated in zero gravity with no air. It took a while to get used to the uncomfortable feeling of not being able to draw anything into my lungs, not even poisoned air.Using my wand I tried to make myself faster, but I failed. With nothing for the spell to hit I wouldn't be propelled.After a few years of drifting, I floated past the moon and hit non of the planets I knew about. Eventually after years and years of floating I fell into a light sleep...only to awaken when I finally hit something.Hey so this is the edited version of kgrie1888's first chapter. I hope you enjoyed reading what I believe to be a little smoother version of it. I didn't change much wording wise, and nothing plot related changed either. Thanks for supporting me in adopting this book.


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