What Humans Are Really Like

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Harry Potter's POV

I awoke to something being thrown at my face. I blearily opened my eyes, brushing away the nightmare I had been in. The bundle that was thrown at me turned out to be a sleeveless black shirt which made me annoyed. 

There were many scars up and down my arms including the word murderer on my left arm. There were slash marks up the right arm and a bullet scar which went through the front of my upper arm and out the back. The clothes were warm however and I knew I had to change.

The other items of clothing was a pair of sweat pants which were long and a simple navy blue color. 

I crawled out of bed to find Hulion watching me amusedly. "Hulion...I-I don't like having my arms exposed." I stuttered.

Hulion looked at me confused, "It is the uniform little human. There isn't much we can do about that. I can assure you it will keep you quite warm, so go through that door there and get dressed, or we will miss breakfast." He replied.

I sighed taking the clothing I went through the door and looked into the mirror wincing as my gaunt face was visible. My hair was so long now it was just getting annoying. I preferred the length though as it made me look different to what or rather who I was in the past. 

Pulling my long sleeve shirt over my head I took the removed shirt and ripped three long strips of fabric free of all the same width, and braided string making me seem les just out of jail and more civil.

I pulled the black shirt over my head surprised at the warmth it gave me and observed it in the mirror. I scowled as the scars on my arms became visible. How the thin lines where the limbs had been severed were visible. I wasn't at all surprised to see a large purpling bruise where Karlum's three fingers grabbed me too heavily when I first met him.

I turned away and took the sweat pants, pulled them on not in the least surprised they fit. After I was dressed I took my discarded clothes and threw them onto my bed.

"L-little h-human where did you get such injuries. Surely you would die with this kind of trauma? Who did this to you? Who would carve writing into your skin, who would lash you such?" Hulion spluttered horrified and I self consciously rubbed my arms wincing at the bruise.

If possible Hulion's eyes became wider, "That discoloration...that contusion...you got that from Karlum?" He grabbed my arm gently making me flinch, "how is it that you can be so fragile, yet you can withstand such horrific injuries? I don't understand?" 

I frowned and pushed back the toughest of what I had really withstood which had begun intruding my thought. "Hulion. We will be late for breakfast." I reminded him and he spun around leading me back down the hallway from yesterday. We entered the mess hall and I hid behind Hulion again as he navigated his way to the table with Karlum on it.

As we sat down Hulion snatched my arm up gently showing it to Karlum to examine. "Look Karlum! You grabbed him too hard the other day and look what  it did. That just proves how fragile humans are and yet as you can see through these many scars he has survived far worse. How can this be?" 

I self consciously rubbed the decapitation scar not realizing brought their attention to their eyes widening hugely. I shrunk back as they lifted my hair which was previously covering the scar and examined it in shock.

"This is impossible." Breathed Karlum to Hulion. "These marks are proof that the whole head had been taken off. How can this be? How can anything live through that?" He continued confused.

Hulion frowned. "He must have just been cut around the neck. Perhaps it was some type of restraint he was under which broke the skin and scarred..." Hulion answered uncertainly.

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