Why the HELL am I shirtless!

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Harry's POV

I spent the next four days unconscious, a bullet had gone straight through my heart...Again. Another bullet went through my throat and the last bullet went harmlessly through my shoulder like the captain.

I woke up to a drained Hulion asleep with his head on the side of my bed, his body tense with what I would assume was worry.

I decided to let him rest as I rubbed my chest where the new injury was. I could feel the wound on my heart, its painstakingly slow healing made the injury excessively painful. It was only now I realized I was shirtless, and my whole face went red. 

If my shirt was removed then they definitely know about the whip wounds on my back, the heavy scarring from when electricity was held there long enough for the skin to burn through and for blood to pour down my back. 

I sighed quietly looking down at my body which was still ridiculously skinny. I spent some time counting my ribs and poking my hip bones as I realized just how bad a shape my body was really in.

After that I got bored. I looked around the room which was much like the sick bay at Hogwarts, eventually I made out the figure on the bed across from me. So lifting my body carefully out of the bed without disturbing Hulion, I made way across the room to Karlum's bed.

He was awake watching me come over. He was looking carefully at my pained face worried.

I smiled at him, and hugged myself only now realizing without my shirt my body was exposed to the cold temperatures of 12 degrees...which had me begin to shiver again. "K-Karlum, wh-where is my s-shirt? I-I'm cold." I asked him shivering visibly.

Karlum looked me over taking in the hundreds of scars over my body, the bandaged on my neck, check, and shoulders and he reached out gently touching one of my ribs. "Little human, if the sketches you showed us in your room were accurate, your body is far too thin...you do not eat enough." He told me worriedly...I looked away waiting for him to answer my question.

Karlum sighed quietly before answering me, "Your shirt was almost destroyed by your life blood. Terulia is making you another. If you are too cold you can use the blanket folded under the end of my bed if you want."

I smiled gently and grabbed it wrapping myself gratefully in its warmth, Karlum watched me for a minute. "Did you know that your blood is red? I mean for all other known species it is a fact, a FACT that blood is blue. This is because air oxidizes the copper in our blood making it visibly blue. So, this begs the question of WHY is your blood red?" I frowned confused.

"Your blood is blue? All creatures on Earth have red blood, all of them except maybe one or two Wizarding Creatures. I do not know why our blood is red...only that it has something to do with our iron levels." I answered him as best as I could, yawning at my tiredness.

He sighed frustrated. I shrugged, standing up a little wobbly from the lack of use in my legs. I walked towards other beds checking on everyone, the Captain surprisingly wasn't there.

I started healing everyone a little, just patching up the really serious injuries before timidly waving goodbye to Karlum...Disillusioning myself and cautiously going back to Hulion and my room. Wincing as the skin on my bullet wounds stretched painfully, I just had to bear with the painful sensation.

I made it to the bed and collapsed, grabbing a pencil I began writing about the Wizarding World...all into my little journal from Hulion.

I started with explaining why they were hidden from muggles, then I continued to explain the different types of Wizards...Including Muggleborn, Halfbloods and Purebloods.

After that was explained, I wrote about the schools children go to at 11 years old, Hogwarts in particular--no mater how painful the memories it held. I wrote about our curriculum and then explained the different jobs and what Wizards would learn to do in those jobs...starting with becoming a Healer and going all the way to Dragon Trainers, Aurors, and Curse Breakers.

Once that was done I explained about the Ministry of Magic and the laws in how it is governed. I then explained the Magical animals and how they differed from other animals...about the laws on creatures, like Vampires and Werewolves.

I sketched them and added magic, the creatures I had encountered moving and terrifyingly realistic as my knowledge of them appeared on paper.

I was getting hungry when the door to my room opened. I was instantly disillusioned, still a little on edge from the creepy needle teeth monster. I calmed down when I saw it was Hulion, his eyes running around the room before they landed on me. He visibly calmed down coming to sit next to me on the bed.

Looking at him now I could see faint light blue lines running cross his arms and another across his face--injuries I realized--remembering that their blood is blue.

I sighed as he looked me over worry still clear on his face. "I-I'm sorry Hulion...You told me, no you-you ordered me to stay in the room. I didn't do that, I left." I told him hesitantly.

His stars began to flash causing me to flinch back. "Little human, if you had not done that we would have been sold and eventually died a caged life. We are all very grateful to you that you didn't listen to me. I mean I wouldn't make a habit of it but thank you anyways." He told me in a rush making me calm down slightly. 

HIs face became serious again, "Those images on the wall, are they accurate on what humans look like?" He asked me quietly...I nodded. "They are all examples of the males in the species...I was going to do the females soon." I mumbled to him--if anything the confirmation made him even more stern.

 "You little human do not look like these species. Whilst I am sure you are human, I am also positive that it is our doing in which you are so different. Unlike your human counterparts you are skin and bones. You have no muscles, you have dark rings around your eyes. If I did not just see you rescue an entire crew out of the bowels of a pirate ship, almost single handedly, I would think you so suck you should not be moving." He admitted grimly.

I flinched looking away, not willing to see his disappointed face. "If you are not eating food you should say something, Karlum, Captain, and I are worried about you. Why would you just suffer in silence when the problem is easily fixed?" He asked me, his stars glowing brightly.

I glanced at him before looking at my hands. "I-I am not used to eating enough food. The planet I come from, the bomb which hit both England and America, it um, it poisoned the air. Our food sources died. Even though we managed to survive the poisoned air with breathing masks, everyone on the planet starved to death. My species, it destroyed itself. I guess I was just so used to going hungry that I forgot that I could eat." I uttered miserably, my voice pained.

I flinched when strong starred arms surrounded me, but Hulion ignored it and pulled me closer, hugging me as I finally cried for the deaths of my friends. For the loss of all those comrades who knew nothing about even holding a gun. I cried for a long time before I calmed down and Hulion let me go.

"I know there is more to this story little human, but I can tell you have faced many horrors in your life span, and you are not ready to tell me yet. I hope when you are ready you will choose to tell me yourself. We are here for you little Harry, no matter what." He told me before telling me it was time to eat, and so we headed out of the room towards the mess hall to eat lunch.

End of this chapter! Hope you enjoyed the edited version Leave a comment. I love hearing from readers, so tell me if you think there are any errors (grammar wise). I like hearing peoples thoughts on books.


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