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Harry's POV

The mess hall was almost empty compared to my last memory of it-- with hundred of aliens instead--it looked a little worse for wear, but salvaged chairs and tables were set up for us to sit and eat at.

I glanced self consciously around as we walked inside, disillusioning myself when I saw there was more people here that I didn't know. The Captain's tall figure was visible at the long table where food was being prepared, so I carefully made my way over to him...leaving Karlum and Hulion near the door in a conversation...curious to what was being made.

Looking around the helpers faces I could see their disgust and I heard their mumblings. "The only rations we managed to keep are these disgusting dirt rocks, that taste horrible. It'll be ab awful next couple of days. How can anybody be expected to recover eating these alone!"

I was just tall enough in this giant sized world that I could comfortably rest my chin on the table looking over at Tukin as he explained to the chefs that they would have to make do with the dirt rocks till they rendezvoused with something called "the mappers" on some kind of planet in three days.

I frowned as I watched m, and it was a good couple of minutes before I noticed what should have been obvious before. In the hand of the complaining chef was  a food which looked exactly like something considered the American delicacy from my planet...commonly called a potato.

OI grew excited, potatoes were one of the first plants to die on our planet, meaning it had been thousands of years since I had eaten chips. In my excitement my disillusion charm became undone and Tukin's eyes focused on me. 

"Ahhh if it isn't  the little warrior human! I'm afraid the food won't be much for you to look at that excitedly at today young human. We've only managed to salvage dirt rocks for everyone to eat." He told me sadly.

I tilted my head and after a few minutes debating, I spoke up. "Can-can I maybe try something with them?" I asked timidly towards the alien holding the potato. He blinked slowly as he tried to comprehend what exactly I was and the fact that I was actually talking to him about the "dirt rock".

Shaking his head, he tossed it to me and I snatched it from the air with my seeker reflexes. I bounced around the table to where all the chefs had set up the kitchen--which to my great relief was extremely similar to my own planet utensils. 

After an hour of figuring out what was their version of oil, salt, and pepper, I began to create my old favorite food.... CHIPS!

Once it was clear I had set out all the ingredients, the alien talking to each other Tukin--who had been keeping an eye on me--moved towards me and began watching my moves closely. My eyes darted nervously around as I tried to focus on my task.

I started by filling a very deep pot with oil and putting it over the fire to boil. Next, I started on the food. Peeling the potatoes so they no longer looked like "dirt rocks" and then began slicing them into rough thick chip shapes.  I then dumped these into the cage and stuck the cage into the oil as I began to deep fry my chips.

Once they began to look cooked I pulled the cage up and let the oil drain off as much as I could before pouring the chips onto a plate and patting off some of the oil. They smell heavenly to someone who has been chip deprived for decades.

I poured my chips into a large bowl and seasoned them with the salt, pepper and began happily eating them.

The alien who had thrown the potato at me had a neon green skin which looked strange with his moss like fur. He had come up behind me as I began eating and stole a handful of them.

I scowled and disillusioned myself again...sick of being the center of attention and taking my chips. I hid behind Hulion and Karlum watching as the chef tried my chips cautiously.

His eyes widened to epic proportions and then suddenly his face was blank as he wordlessly passed a chip to the other chefs and the Captain--whom all collectively tried them. I chuckled in amusement, dirt rocks...I mean seriously one of our planets most favorite foods is a dirt rock? Who would have thought, I pondered.

Once the chefs and the Captain had tried them they all suddenly facepalmed, and I couldn't blame them...who eats uncooked potatoes, when you can have chips? They all gathered together grinning as they exclaimed how delicious this new food was as they schemed up new ways to cook it and different things to eat them with.

I laughed and walked out of the mess hall, my huge bowl of chips coming with me. I had some female humans to draw after all and I had a feeling the crew and Hulion would be busy educating themselves on the wonders of potatoes today...Much to my enjoyment of course.

End of this chapter! Hope you enjoyed the edited version Leave a comment. I love hearing from readers, so tell me if you think there are any errors (grammar wise). I like hearing peoples thoughts on books.


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