the Kurana Destula named Hulion

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I awoke after gently bumping into something that felt like glass. My body shivering and as I awoke fully my stomach still gnawed at me. After not eating for hundreds of years, it had taken a toll on my body. I felt light headed all the time and my body was almost unnaturally skinny.

Opening my eyes, carefully I looked around and grabbed onto what I had bumped onto. What I had bumped into stopped floating, as my eyes adjusted, I saw inside the glass of what  looked like a huge window, dozens of strange creatures...which looked far more scary and dangerous than any human could hope to be. Many with large muscles like real life Hulk and others with sharp tusks or spines.

My last confrontation with living things had not ended well, and I flinched away pushing away trying to escape. The swift movements made me light headed and the blackness overtook me, dragging me back into unconsciousness.

I awoke to strange rubbery hands with four fingers pressing against my neck, it hit me in that second that something, no, someone was touching me. Flashes of the time spent with the last muggles flew through my mind and I flinched away jumping back and sliding under the bed I was on.

I was shivering again but this time in terror. I couldn't live through that again, it would break me.

I pulled my knees to my chest and squeezed my eyes shut, focusing on keeping still with no air to breathe.

After a while, I opened my eyes to see feet standing at the end of the bed walking towards the door. These feet were strange, they were thick like an elephants, with toes like an elephants. They were however a pale blueish grey in color.

Eventually whilst they were gone I crawled out from under the bed and looked around the room I was in. The walls were in a metal dull color with a few lights signaling something. The bed I was on was actually made similarly like a bed, but with the edges curving upwards...presumably so the person...creature...thing inside doesn't fall out.

After a while of surveying the room, I found my wand and with a lunge I had it in my hands...clutched protectively to my stomach gnawing in hunger.

I tried to go through the doo but no matter what I tried it wasn't opening...causing me to panic. No matter what I tried, at the bunker it wouldn't open without the keys either.

Soon I saw through the glass a strange creature coming back. The same blueish grey from earlier. I flew under the bed and curled up against the wand held protectively to my chest.

I watched as the feet drew near to the edge and with growing horror I saw another pair of feet. These were an admittedly pretty midnight blue looking similar to my own. With only three large toes and as I watched them come closer I saw what looked like tiny stars covering them in speckles...all of them were shining gently in a red hue.

And the blue feet began to kneel down in front of me a face coming to view. It looked almost human, it was still that blue color, but the red stars splashed across the face like freckles.

Its eyes similar to my own, however, there was a third one in the forehead. You could see the eyelid, but it wasn't open. Its nose was flat and it had a normal mouth with two small tusks visible. Its ears were red and blue protruding from the creatures side of the head.

Despite this, the creature, the alien, terrified me. I curled tighter into a ball a far cry from the Voldemort murdering "savior" I once was. Its hands like my own, with only four fingers, inched closer to me.

The blue eyes staring into me own. The hand finally reached me and I crawled back, but I couldn't move any further away. 

He gently grasped my arm and I flinched...hissing as it gently dragged me into the room. My head whipping around looking for an escape. I couldn't find one. After a while, I looked up to the face of the alien that held me still on the bed. He was curiously examining me.

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