Terulia is Terrifying

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Harry's POV

It was a long time before anyone came to bother me after that. Hulion visited once in a while to drop off an apple and some other food for me to eat, and I was shown where the bathroom was.

Otherwise many days had gone by without anyone talking to me or coaxing me out from under the bed.

Finally after the 20th food drop Hulion sat down in front of the bed again. I poked my head out hoping he wasn't angry at me for how I treated his friend.

"I-i'm sorry Hulion. I won't anger anyone again." I whispered to him gently as I took my food and curled back into a ball.

"Hey Harry, nothings wrong with having an argument with someone. It's okay , I wasn't angry at you or anything. I was setting up your room. Whilst on the ship, you will be bunking with me if that's okay?" Hulion told me comfortingly.

I blinked at him, my eyes widening slightly, "U-um its ok, you don't have to share a room with me. You can have one all to yourself if you would prefer, I won't mind." I said anxiously.

"Hey, little human, I have to share my room. Everyone in the crew does. I haven't got a room mate yet because they picked me up at the last space station a few months ago. If its not you they will put the next person on the crew in with me. Besides if you don't bunk with me you will have to bunk with someone else who you don't know, so come on little human, lets go."

I sighed and stood, bravely leaving the blanket in the room. Taking my food with me to eat on the way.

We passed many aliens as we entered a  huge corridor of doors, each one for a room. I clutched my wand anxiously and brushed my long hair out of the way. Hulion led me to the end of the corridor where he opened the very last door on the left.

Across the hallway the other door opened and I froze instinctively casting a disillusionment charm on myself and melding into the walls colors.

Karlum walked out greeting Hulion. I froze holding my breath. No such luck, he noticed my faint outline and I flinched taking a step back.

Karlum knelt down his three legs bent strangely like a kneeling horse. I scooted back until I hit the wall. "I-I-I'm sorry, I-I won't do it again. I'm sorry." I stuttered to him as I shrunk in on myself trying to disappear fully. 

"Hey! That's what I should be saying squirt. I won't call you kid anymore, okay? If it upsets you that much." He spoke gently with his gruff voice.

I nodded and hesitantly took off the disillusionment charm, my body freezing once again at the cooler temperatures.

My arms and neck had goosebumps and my body was gently shivering. My breath every now and then fogged up slightly, it was even colder here than it was in the mess hall.

Karlum was watching me, examining me closely. "You're cold aren't you?" He told me more than asked.

I flinched and nodded rubbing my arms. He reached out with his three fingers and grabbed me much more gently than last time, his hand a gentle pressure instead, and dragged me to his door across the hall. "Terulia! (te-rule-eee-ahhhh) The little human is cold in these temperatures. Can you make him something to wear so he won't be so freezing?" He called inside.

"Yeah sure thing! I'll be out in just a second." Came a female voice from inside. Cautious, my eyes darted around for an escape. Karlum's bat like ears twitched and his three fingers tightened...I flinched.

He looked down and I frowned. The door opened and Terulia moved into the light. My eyes widened and my face paled, my magic instinctively reacted to my fear and panic and I vanished...a strong shield covering me and pushing Karlum's hand of me as I whimpered. 

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