He's gone!

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Quick A/N: Thx to all the people who have started following me and to Amelia Ward... thx for all the comments, girl! ;) on with the story!!!

(Back at the lair)

April couldn't sleep. She had told her dad she would spend the night over at the turtles' place, but she hadn't told him about losing her diadem. she tossed and turned in her bed in her old room. As she looked at the clock, which read 2:30, April thought about Donnie.

She wasn't clueless. She knew that Donnie had a thing for her. She had started to notice back at the old farmhouse, during the invasion. And the truth was... she returned the feelings. She just couldn't work up the courage to tell him.

She glanced over at the photograph of her and Donnie. He was pushing her on the swing, both of them smiling at eachother. Every time she looked at that picture, April's heart melted. She looked so happy in that photo, and so did Donnie. They had gone to the park to study and ended up messing around on the swingset. They talked through the night, not about missions or mutants, just about... stuff. About how life was, what they liked to do, things that didn't really have any significance, but could make you feel better to talk about.

April sighed and swung her legs out of bed, sitting up and letting her eyes adjust to the darkness. She walked to Donnie's room gently knocking on the door. he was usually up at this time, working on something or just reading.

April walked cautiously in, but found Donnie's bed empty. She turned and walked out, thinking he might be in the lab, but the lights were out and no one was to be found.

April frowned. She searched the kitchen, the living room, the Shellraiser, everywhere. Donnie was nowhere to be found. She started to grow anxious, twirling her hair the way she always did when she was worried. She hit her bandaged arm against the wall as she hurried out of the Shellraiser, and she cried out quietly in pain.

She tried to calm her aching head, trying to think about what to do. April ran to Leo's room, knocking on the door urgently.

A tired Leo peeped his head out the door. "April?" he yawned, then saw her worried expression, "What's wrong?"

"It's Donnie," she explained quickly, "I can't find him anywhere. He's not in the lab or in his room."

"Did you check the Shellraiser?" Leo asked.

"Everywhere. I've looked everywhere."

A puzzled look crept onto Leo's face, and he accompanied April back to the lab. "Search for any clues as to where he might be," he advised, ruffling through some papers by Donnie's computer.

"What the shell is going on in here?" Raph leaned against the lab door, watching as his brother and April searched.

"We don't know where Donnie is," April replied, checking through Donnie's experiments.

"Guys," Mikey walked in, rubbing the sleep from his eyes, "Can't a turtle get some rest in this place?"

April sat on the cot in the corner, giving up the search. Where could he be? she wondered. She idly rubbed her bandaged arm, then bolted upright, startling the others.

April ran out of the lab, racing to the kitchen and glancing at the pile of clothes and jewelry she had bought earlier. A sense of dread filled her, as she glimpsed a note set on top of her dress.

She quickly opened the note, and saw Donnie's handwriting:


I know you don't want me to go after your mom's diadem, but I also know it means a lot more than you're letting on. Don't worry about me, I'll be fine. Please understand, I really want you to have a good time at the dance tomorrow, and you won't be able to stop thinking about your mom's diadem while you're there.

Sincerely, Donnie

"Guys!" April hurried back into the lab, where Leo, Mikey, and Raph were still looking around, "Donnie went after that creep from this afternoon!"

"The Purple Dragon?" Leo asked, setting down another stack of papers.

"Hang on," Raph interjected, "Didn't we find out last patrol some of the Shredder's henchmen were gonna be at their lair?"

"Yeah," Mikey put in, "They said something about Rahzar and Bebop and Rocksteady being there-"

"WHAT?!" April cried. Three of Shredder's toughest mutants, all in the same place, and Donnie was going to have to face them on his own?!

"Oh, this is just great," Raph grumbled, "Donnie's gonna get his shell kicked."

"We have to go!" April said, "We have to help him! He could be killed!"

Oh, heck to the no! You don't know how painful it was to write that chapter just now!
Donnie: what do you mean?
Me: I mean, it breaks my heart to have to write about April being so worried about your safety!
Donnie: well, b-but she wouldn't have to worry, cuz I'm a ninja and--
Me: but that's what girlfriends do, D! They worry sometimes!
Donnie: S-she's not my g-girlfriend!
Me: but you want her to be don't you? *raises eyebrow* huh? Am I right?
Donnie: O.O ...
Me: That's what I thought. See ya my lovelies!

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