When You Say Nothing At All

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"Are you kidding me?!" April spewed furiously, throwing the crumpled report to the ground and stomping on it for good measure as she trudged into the lair, "Gosh, this day can't get any worse, can it?"

"Whoa, dudette!" Mikey leaned away from the angry redhead from his spot on the couch, "Take a chill pill, why don't ya."

If looks could kill, April would've been guilty of the orange clad turtle's murder. She ripped her bag off her shoulder, tossing it onto the nearby beanbag chair and stalking over to the punching bag. Her first attack at the bag made her wince in pain, but her frustration made the ache quickly fade from her knuckles. She pounded the bag without mercy, her thoughts running wild and disorderly.

Raph walked out of the dojo, expression morphing into one of confusion and slight irritation as watched April, turning to Mikey with a look that definitely meant, What the heck is wrong with her?

Michelangelo only shrugged, busying himself with his video game once more. Raph huffed, walking over to the lab, where Donatello was undoubtedly buried alive beneath lab notes and research.

"Hey brainiac," He grunted, poking his head into Donnie's dwelling, "You're girlfriend's here, and she's beating the shell out of practice dummy."

Donnie glanced up from his computer at his brother, blinking to adjust his eyesight  from the bright electronic screen to the dim laboratory. "April's here?"

Raphael rolled his eyes. "Geez, for someone with your mental capacity, you sure have trouble listening."

The intelligent terrapin only sighed in slight disgruntlement, standing and stretching his legs, "I was just clarifying. And - why is she using the punching bag?"

"How am I supposed to know?" The hothead scoffed, "I wouldn't bother myself with it, except I need to blow off some steam of my own. Do me a favor and calm her down so I can go back to training."

Donnie internally mocked Raph's high-and-mighty tone, but knew better than to announce his thoughts out loud. He walked out behind his slightly older (though definitely more inferior ((in Donnie's humble opinion)) ) brother.

Leo had shown up to the scene, the next in line to try and reason with April.

"April, if you would slow down a little," He placed a hand on her shoulder, "Maybe we could--"

"Just leave me alone, Leo!" She demanded, jerking herself away from the leader and making everyone in the room jump, "Keep your nose out of my business!"

Leo seemed highly unpleased, about to try again when Donnie came up behind him, silently asking for his own chance to get through to her. Leo grudgingly obliged, obviously unsatisfied that he, he leader, hadn't been able to take charge of the situation.

"Hey, Love," Donnie started gently, standing just at the edge of April's peripheral vision - letting her know he was there, while also communicating he wasn't looking for a fight.

Her punches slowed a bit, giving him the signal that she was glad to see him, but wasn't in the mood for conversation.

Donatello reached out to tuck her red locks behind her ear, running his fingers softly through her auburn ponytail as he implored her silently to open up to him.

The subtle flick of her crystalline eyes to the crinkled report card a few feet away, sporting a failing grade, was all April's boyfriend need as an answer. Donnie's eyes lost their confusion and worry, replaced by support and affection. He reached out and caught both April's wrists mid-punch, slowly turning her to face him, grazing his fingertips over her now-raw knuckles, pleading with his eyes for her to stop.

While his gaze held a loving message seeking to help her, April's eyes were downcast ashamedly. Donnie mentally ran through the conversations he and April had had. He recalled a tidbit about her apprehension at school, the test anxiety building within her with the fast approach of midterms. He cupped her cheek, pulling her in for a brief, comforting kiss, assuring her everything would turn out alright.

She pulled away, and Donatello's heart broke when he caught sight of the tears glistening in her eyes, the tiny drop that escaped and raced down her perfect face holding enough stress and disappointment to fill an ocean. He ran a thumb across the flawless skin of her cheek, erasing the path her tear had left, and she rushed into his arms immediately thereafter. He held her for a moment, rocking back and forth on his heels gently, trying to calm her frenzied and worried heartbeat that he felt thud against his plastron as she stepped closer to him.

Finally, the two separated, April's eyes a bit bloodshot, but showing signs of relief. Donnie's, meanwhile, flitted to the open lab doors, asking if she wanted his tutoring with her schoolwork, offering up his faithful assistance with a tiny gap-toothed smile. The whimsy returned to his love's gaze, as she raised an eyebrow suggestively, silently requesting for just a bit more than studying.

Donatello shook his head in mock disbelief at her coquettish behavior, tilting his head and shrugging his shoulders slightly in a way that said he might consider her offer. Now, April's light and airy laugh filled the air, and her fingers intertwined with his, as the couple walked toward the lab and Donnie shut the doors behind them.

Meanwhile, the genius' brothers looked on in shock.

"Dang," Mikey's voice rang out, "Who knew D could have a way with the ladies?"

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