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I wasn't going to update today but then I saw that my story crossed 5k reads and that gave me an another kind of happiness....yeahh its not that big number but its still too much for me.....soo here I am giving you a new ch.....

Shanon's POV

"Now can you pleasee explain me that what the heck is going in your mind".....I asked him...

"I have a reason for protecting her".....he said

"Woww.....what a brilliant answer....even I know that you have a reason but WHATS THAT REASON".....

"Umm will you believe me?".....Adam asked doubtedly...

What the heck...does he think that I dont trust him....

"If its believable than for sure I will believe you"....I tried to say as calmly as possible but for sure it didn't sounded calm cuz anger is rushing in my whole body right now....My men could have abducted her so easily yesterday and till today she would have been begging infront of me for forgiveness that she dared to slap me.....but no... this man infront of me have really differnt plans....

"Sheismylonglostsister".....he said

"Nothing got inside my brain.....say it again slowly....AND STOP TESTING MY PATIENCE AGAIN AND AGAIN".......

"Sh...she is my sister wh..whom I have lost in that incident".....he said almost in tears....just one word about that incident and he will go all emotional....

Okay she is his sister....My eyes widened after realization hitted me like a truck.....
What did he said.....THAT GIRL..HIS SISTER...NEVER...

"WHAT THE FUCK"......I literally got some hearing problems....

"Nothing is fuckish about this situation already knew that I wanted to leave this mafia world....And about my sister; when I first saw her it felt very different ; her blue eyes reminded me of Her ;I felt very connected with her that I wanted to just talk with her whole day  and you know when she said me to call her Riya it felt like I am reliving my past like it had happened before I think thats what deja vu is according to me; and when I saw her fighting with those goons and they tried to make her unconscious I started getting those falshbacks... I know it will sound silly if I say that just by these things I consider her my sister but then I saw that same customized chain around her neck which Appa had made for me and my sis.....and when she was in the clinic and doctor was checking her I saw the same mark on her leg which she got after falling from the stairs"....he said like narrating a story to me which consisted all kinds of emotions....

Is he mad...does black magic exist....or that girl mixed something in his food....or even worse that girl is controlling Adams mind and ordered him to kill me...yeah yeah it makes sense now thats why Adam left the job because if the boss is dead only then whose right hand he will be...maybe of my ghost....

"Where are you lost Anon"....

"N..nowhere Adam....but did you lost your brain somewhere or you flushed it in the are you seriously in just 1 day and that too on these silly factors believing that she is your sister....Its crystal clear that its a trap and nothingg else and you have to believe it that she is dead and never coming back to you....andd about the girl whom you are considering your sister isn't your sister she is just a person living under the rock that she dared to slap me or a person with a very clever mind who is trying to trap you".....

"Anon I know that you are a big personality so you cant trust people easily but I can feel it that she is my sister".....

"Not again Adam....she will backstab you because for her you are just a trap and I dont know what she wants from you but she isn't a right person and I will protect you from her"....

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