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Riya's POV

"Miss Singh you have to finish your report and then head on for the presentation.....You have to complete it till Friday and submit it to it....any doubts???".........Mr. Ran explained my work to me.......

"Sure Mr. Ran....I am not having any doubts.....and am sure you are generous enough to help in future if I get some may I go now Sir????"......I told him with a tight lipped smile which surely ended up looking creepy......

He nodded looking at me oddly.......

Exiting the cabin I walked to my cubicle with the pen drive, throwing it from my one hand and catching with another which have the data related to the report which I have to make....

I started my work....reading and analysing the data and got deeply immersed in my work when my phone started ringing......

Mr. X

Why is he calling me right now???

Putting my on silent mode I went to the washroom......and luck was on my side as it was vacant....

I called him and he received it after six rings....

"Cre'me Cafe.....9 p.m".......came a voice

"Who are you.....this ain't Mr.X's voice"......I whispered..

"He isn't any random man that he will give you his personal number......this is his assistant Michael".......the man replied in a bored voice....

"Listen.....I am also not a random person and you know that very well and it was your boss who came up with the deal so you guys better respect me and what's with the time huhh?".....

"Either come at time without telling anyone or I will personally drop you where we have retrieved you from".....he said in a ordering tone and hanged up...

Did he just ordered me and then hanged up.....This shit piece of an assistant and what am I?  A thing, that he retrieved me.....I am going to talk to his boss about this random assistant of his......

Fucking assistant.....

Cussing him I exited the washroom and went back to my cubicle.....

This Mr. X is a huge danger to me but I have to ignore this for now because even if my ego doesn't allow me to accept, he is the reason how I made it alive from that huge shooting mansion....

But he isn't a hero for doing this...the condition he offered me had given me the biggest shock of my life from which I still haven't overcame.....

I have to abide him for now to solve the puzzles around me, but it also doesn't mean that I am going to let my guards down infront of him because doing that can cost me life....

Finally when my office hour ended I packed my things thinking about what excuse I can give to Shrish as she is going to be at house at 9....

"Shrishi I am going to go on a night walk....

You will not go an a walk even when the earth will be collapsing and it would get saved by one walk of yours...."

"I need some thing to buy from the supermarket....
At this time????"

"Someone is calling me outside....

Who???I will come with you too..."

There is not even a single proper excuse which I have right now....

Soon I reached my flat....opened it only to find the lights closed....

Dafuq.....she should have reached by now....

As I was observing the lights my phone started ringing....


Hloo Riyuu

Where are you should have reached by now right?????.....

There was a big silence and then she replied....

Wo naa umm there is an emergency in the office right now and I might have to stay tonight over here....and before you ask me anything further...I am sorry because I can't explain right now as I don't have much time right now but if I come back I will explain you everything.....
Do your dinner and before sleeping do check if every window is closed or not alright???.....

What do you mean by if...what is the it an office or a hospital.....should I come there????

Riya yaar you too know that there can be emergencies in offices....and that 'if'was just a slip of tongue.....and you are not going and sleep....


Someone's calling me.....I gotta go and you take care....Please....

And before I could reply she hunged up...

What's with people hanging up there calls on me before I can reply......

She is behaving really weird these days....I am tensed about her.....

Am I being too paranoid or is there something wrong with her.....

Maybe there is just an emergency....and now I don't have to make up any excuses....

I freshened up and changed.....grabbed a packet of chocolate from the fridge and exited my flat while eating it....

Cre'me Cafe...

I went inside the cafe and there is no any sign of that Xyz and his assistant.....

My phone started ringing and it was that Random assistant....

"Come upstairs immediately I will receive you"....he ordered and hunged up....

This attitude will not go hand on hand with me , that assistant can't use this tone with me....

To be continued....

Heyyy I am back...this is a filler kinda chapter because it will take me a little while to catch up again with writing but from now I am gonna be regular as my school have ended....

Do share your thoughts with me about this....


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