Taylynn, I Know You're Cupid

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Chapter Thirty-Eight: Taylynn, I Know You're Cupid

Taylynn's POV~~~~~~~~~~~~

I stared up at the ceiling in my bedroom. I continued to let myself rot away into oblivion.There was no point in getting up and going to school. Jayce had crushed my heart literally right after I gave myself to him. I was shocked I hadn't just ended everything. The hurt I felt was almost unbearable.

I hadn't been to school for a week and had isolated myself from any human communication. My parents were worried sick but I didn't care. I was behind in home work but I could have cared less about that as well. Jayce was the love of my life and he had not only led me on but screwed me as well. I was broken and for the second time in my life since Emma died, I felt numb.

The council had called at least forty times and I was positive Laura and Zoey were freaking out. As much as I wanted to pick the phone up and call them, I couldn't. I hadn't been able to move from my bed other than to go to the bathroom and sneak downstairs to get food and water.

At this moment I needed Emma. I knew she would have been the only one to get me out of this slump but she wasn't here. So I would stay in bed and wither away. In some sadistic way, I was content with the idea. I mean, I was foolish enough to give myself to Jayce. I should have known he'd leave the moment he got between my legs.

In my self pity party, I hadn't heard the whispers on the other side of my door. The next thing I knew my door swung open.

"Get up, bitch." Laura's voice boomed.

"It's so dark in here." Zoey grumbled as she walked over to my curtains.

Jayce's POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"So Taylynn is really Cupid?" Tyler asked in awe.

I was given permission to finally tell Tyler everything. He knew why I had crushed Taylynn in two and he also knew her secret now. I wasn't able to function after what I did. I called Tyler and had been staying at his place since the break up. He knew everything. He knew that what I did was to keep her safe but for some reason I feel like I just made her more vulnerable.

"Yes, she is."

"You have to take a shower." Tyler sighed as he scrunched his nose.

I felt my body go limp and I left like a bitch as a small whimper escaped my lips. Tyler's face had turned soft as he saw my defeated state. He patted me on the shoulder and sat next to me on his bed.

"She'll understand some day and if everything goes the way this council said it will, you guys will be back together in no time."Tyler's positive words made me smile weakly.

"If only that was comforting." I groaned. 

I dragged myself to the bathroom to wash off all the disappointment and shame that had overcome my body. I just wanted Taylynn.

Tyler's POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"I'll be back in an hour." I sighed.

Jayce groaned something into the pillow and I chuckled. He was in depression mood the moment he came to my house. He'd broken up with Taylynn and it was intense. Taylynn is cupid and the world is crazy. 

"Can't you just stay?" He whimpered.

I wanted to make fun of him for acting like such a child but he was hurt and sad. He needed comfort more than a reminder of how big of a bitch he was being. I needed to talk to Taylynn though. She needed me even if she didn't know what was going on she needed comfort too. 

"Zoey wants to spend some time together. I'll be back soon." I lied. 

I felt pretty bad leaving my best friend to lay on my bed depressed and hateful towards the world, but I had his best interest in my mind. He needed sometime to himself and I needed to check on Taylynn. I got into my truck and drove to Tay's house. In the driveway was Laura's car and I knew Zoey was with Laura so they could keep an eye on Taylynn.

I parked on the street and hopped out of my truck. I walked casually to the house and knocked on the door. No one answered. I rang the door bell. No one answered. I wait a couple minutes and then I heard yelling.

"Leave! Please. Let me wallow by myself." 

I signed and smiled forcefully when Laura and Zoey both opened the door to leave.  They looked at me with relief.

"You can have her. She's been bitchy all fucking day." Laura grumbled. 

I sighed and gave Zoey a quick kiss on the lips before closing the door behind me. I now enter the house of despair and anger, fuck me. I walked upstairs and was able to step over the broken glass, books, pillows, and clothes that Taylynn must have thrown at the girls. I winced as her bedroom door creaked as I opened it. 

"I told you-" Taylynn stopped once she saw me.

"Hey." I smiled weakly. 

The moment I spoke she busted into tears. I sighed and plopped on her bed. I hugged her as she cried into my shoulder. I knew she was in pain but I couldn't hold back my smart ass comment. 

"You know, shouldn't you be making people fall in love?" 

"Excuse me?" She sniffled as she wiped her eyes.

"You know, being cupid and all?"  I smirked playfully at her.

She froze instantly and than relaxed as though she wanted to play it off as nothing. She shrugged and I laughed.

"Jayce told me the truth." 

"What truth?" She played dumb.

"Taylynn, I know you're cupid." 

Author's Note: I know this isn't the longest chapter but its a filler for the upcoming chapter. Trust me, it'll be funny and much longer. I love you guys and let me know what you think. Comment, Vote, but most importantly, enjoy. <3


Izzie <3

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