Lunch Rush

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(A/N): currently unedited cuz lack of time and editing/revising takes me like 3 more hours. Also, my fantasy novel is out! Please check it out if you like the genre!

"(Y/N)! Wake up! If you don't you'll be fucking late!"

(Y/N) woke up with a start at the loud ringing of her fifth alarm and her mom's yelling. Shit! I didn't get to Izuku's in time to walk together! Fuck!
She stumbled out of bed, and her ears and tail popped out to balance her. She swore under her breath, quickly running to the bathroom. Feet pattering on the floor, she spotted Katsuki with his towel heading to the shower.
She shoved Katsuki out of the way, grinning "Me first!"

Katsuki sputtered furiously as (Y/N) ran ahead and slammed the door close. "Dammit you cat! I was here first!"

"Brats, don't fucking fight! Whoever is not in the shower get the fuck down here and eat breakfast!"

(Y/N) laughed as she heard Katsuki grumble and stomp downstairs.
She showered quickly, grumbling when the water got too close to her furry ears. No matter how much she tried to will them away, the furry feline parts stayed there. Obviously, she still hadn't figured out how to put them away, or even if she could do it consciously.

She wondered if she should wash them or not. Do people with cat quirks wash their cat parts?? Should I ask mom to buy cat shampoo for my ears and tail?!? She furrowed her brows but shrugged.

In a few moments Katsuki and her were out the door, unexpectedly walking together to school for the first time in a very long time. Katsuki seemed tense as they walked, stomping like a grumpy grinch all the way to the school. (Y/N) pursed her lips, a hand coming up to touch her ears in thought. Should I say something? This is a bit too awkward... She sighed, resigning herself to the awkward walk to school.

Of course, when they got closer they spotted the crowd of reporters and lookers outside the gates of U.A. (Y/N) groaned in annoyance, striped tail swishing in irritation. Again, seriously? They've been here for two days and haven't got anything! Just give up already man! Respect the fucking privacy of the teachers and students!
Katsuki grumbled under his breath, and without needing to say anything, both siblings continued to walk, trying to take the longer way around to not be seen by the crowd, walking closer to walls. Until, of course a reporter spotted them and quickly walked after them.

"Excuse me kids, are you in All Might's class?" The reporter asked, getting the mic a bit too close to (Y/N)'s for comfort.

(Y/N) hissed at her, swatting the mic away from her face. The reporter sweatdropped and scooted closer to Katsuki, for some reason thinking he'd be more willing to say something despite the obvious scowl on his face.

"What about you kid?" She asked insistently, observing the blonde. And then of course, she recognized his face. "Whoa, hold on, aren't you that Sludge Villain kid?"

Katsuki expression immediately tightened and the boy gritted his teeth, halting his steps furiously. (Y/N) snorted at the obvious effort it was taking him to restrain himself.
"Walk away. Now." Katsuki growled at the reporter.

The reporter flinched and scurried away nervously immediately, sweating.

(Y/N) laughed as the crowd parted a bit, and the siblings walked inside, with Katsuki still scowling deeply at the humiliating reminder. Although in (Y/N)'s humble opinion, it was kind of funny.


The news that All Might had been hired as a faculty member at U.A. took the entire nation by surprise. Naturally, the media swarmed the school in search of a story.

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