UA's Exam!

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The hallow ground of UA. The school with the best hero training course in the world. The place every kid wants to go to.

Sure, there are similar programs out there, but none of them hold the candle to UA's, which is why it's almost impossible to get in. Many great heroes graduated from UA; All Might, the most famous pro there is, the legenday peace keeper with the most wins under his belt, the fiery hero, Endeavor, not to mention, Best Jeanist.

Graduating from UA is basically a requirement if you wanna be a great hero.

And so we held our heads high and headed towards the entrance exam! This was it, the first step towards achieving our dream of becoming pros!

(Y/N) gulped, as she was surrounded by other examinees.

She had already taken off the tape from her hands, which were red and still itchy. She felt nervous, and alone. She analyzed her rivals. Weird quirk....Nice quirk...Funny quirk... Is that an antennae??? She squinted her eyes. Nevermind, it's a horn. She gulped, rubbing her hands as softly as she could. Everyone here has got a cool quirk...What if mine doesn't work?!?! At least Izuku's got his chance assured! But I'm not even sure if I've got something useful! I'm a late bloomer, so I dunno how to control it... Izuku and I gotta catch up with the feeling everyone has been nurturing all these years. She clenched her hands.

There was a huge black, metal door where the examinee crowd was, where they waited. Nearby, there was a tower with speakers on it.

She had changed into her exercise clothes; her black shirt and red shorts. Her big orange shoes made her feel like she was a lighthouse, but she still loved them. She gulped nervously, noticing that some of the other examinees were already making friends or allies. Aaah! What should I do?! She shook her head, and slapped both of her cheeks softly. Right, right. Calm the frick down, you're a Bakugou. You aren't a coward, you'll be fine. Mhm. She nodded confidently, continuing to rub softly her hands. She looked down at her red hands, clenching and unclenching them. My quirk... Maybe... it reacts to feelings of anger and jealousy... Maybe that's it! Maybe that's the reason why I never showed any sign of having a quirk! I just never got mad or desperate enough! I may just need to make myself angry or jealous to activate it...

She grinned bumping her red itchy fists. "Right!" She said.

"Right! Let's start, get moving!" Present Mic appeared on top of the tower and yelled. The examinees stared up at him for some moments in confusion. "There are no countdowns in real battles!! Run, run, run!"

"Huh?" (Y/N) looked back at the door, and noticed it was open, and most examinees had already ran inside. She gasped and ran ahead, as fast as she could. "Shit!!" She exclaimed, running inside.

Inside it was like a city, building, streets, signs, and all. Even if (Y/N) was freaking out, she ran super fast, using her 'freaking out' adrenaline to run faster, she turned on a corner and spotted a one point villain.

Right! Get angry, get angry! What makes you angry?! Quick! She narrowed her eyes, still running towards the robot. You're gonna crash! Quick, THINK! KATSUKI! She remembered all those times they had fought, and when he bullied Izuku, those memories flashed in her mind, and she became angry at the thought.

She yelled out as she brought her fist down on the robot. "BURN IN HEEELL!!!" She yelled loudly, as her fist made contact with the metal. Instantly, the robot's pieces flew in every direction.

She gaped at her fist. WHOAH! HOLY GOD! IT WORKS! She cheered. Her nails had turned to large metal claws, and her eyes had turned feline, with slits as pupils, and they were no longer (E/C), they were a bright orange. She looked at her reflection in the window of a building and grinned. This is awesome!!
"Alright! Let's get the rest!"

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