Chapter 6: Trapped in the Shark Tank

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We were sitting in a booth at the nearby Chili's Restaurant for dinner. I ordered a half slab of baby back ribs with a side of fries, while mom and dad both got a steak cooked medium rare with cheesy mashed potatoes and steamed broccoli. I sat across from the both of them. It was game night for the Chicago Blackhawks and we were going against the San Jose Sharks. I faced the TV that hung above a table that sat two girlfriends chatting over a plate of chips and salsa. We were in the middle of the first and the score was already a mind blowing 3-1, in favor of the Hawks. I bit into my second baby back rib, stuffed a fry in my mouth, and gulped a mouthful of Sprite. There's never really any fabulous way to eat ribs. It was just one of those types of food that couldn't be eaten cleanly. I looked up from my basket of ribs when I wiped the streak of barbeque sauce that was painted on my chin and saw my parents looking at me in amusement. They laughed in unison as they noticed my huge appetite. 

"Slow down there, Case. I don't wanna pay for any of this in the near future." My dad said, pulling out a flier for Nutrisystem, flaunting it on the table for me to see. Mom chuckled beneath her breath and gave me a smile.

"Oh that is so bogus! Ouch, that hurt." I replied. I wasn't offended by my parents' endless joking. After nearly seventeen years of living with them, you just get used to it I guess. 

"Casey, hon, what are your plans for college right now? You gotta start thinking of that soon." said Mom after she rested her fork on the side of her plate to look at me. Her elbows were pressed firmly on the table now, fingers intertwined, the back of her hands tucked beneath her chin. 

"Well.. I'm definitely going to med school, ma. You guys know that. Stanford is still on my mind. I don't care how much you both hate the idea of my out-of-state college plans, but if I get accepted, just know that I'm not going to let the opportunity slip through my fingers." I said, standing my ground for once.

"Okay. We'll just have to wait for that letter from Stanford to come then. Do you have any other colleges in mind?" My dad asked curiously, interrupting my mom now.

"Yeah, well I mean.. I've been doing some research and uhh.." I paused for a moment, asking myself if I should even bring up the topic. My voice became shaky and hoarse, yearning to be a tad bit louder. I cleared my throat, "There's this great medical school in Toronto, and ---"

"--- and what? Do you wanna go there or something? Why all the way out there?!" My mom exclaimed defensively. 

"No, mom. Hear me out. It's the University of Toronto: Faculty of Medicine. Leigh-Ann went to a college right near there for pharmacy! She actually still lives in Toronto right?" Leigh-Ann was one of my cousins from my mom's side. We're pretty close. I didn't realize the information that slipped out at that instant, but I did know that I had another element to add to my fake 'college search story.'

"Well, yes.. I suppose she does. What are you trying to say, Casey?" 

"I'm saying I want to check out the university out there. Canada is a great place. Toronto is pretty awesome, although their hockey team isn't the best." I chuckled, trying to lighten the mood. My dad smirked, but mom remained frozen, still in shock about my plans. "Winter Break is coming up soon and I can leave for a week during, to go to Toronto and check out the college. They offer tours and a week-long orientation." I lied. Orientation was only a day. "We get to go to a lecture and shadow med students while we're there." I lied again. Lord, forgive me for my sins! 

"Honey, c'mon.. that sounds pretty cool right?" Dad whispered to my mom, sounding thoroughly convinced.

"Yeah, and I can stay with Leigh-Ann while I'm there so all we'll have to pay for is my plane ticket and food." I added. "Mom, COME ON. It's Canada! What happens in Canada? Nothing. People hug each other. They are kind and friendly and welcoming there. I'll be fine. I have to explore my options."

"Dad and I will talk about it." she said disappointedly. She hates when my dad makes her feel like she's wrong. She's all about Team Estrogen! 

And the instant after she said that, the Hawks scored another goal! We were now in the last three minutes of the 2nd. Keith made a slapshot to the net, deflected by Burish of the San Jose Sharks, rebounded by Kane, passed to Toews, then to Hossa and WHIP! Hossa's wrist shot marked his 5th goal of the season. We had this game in the bag. Could this mean a win for me tonight, too?

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