Chapter 7: I'll See You Soon Then

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I decided to drop the conversation as soon as we got home from dinner. My mom hates when I bug her about things constantly. Her policy is: "the more you beg, the greater the chance is of you not getting what you want." She's the big Kahuna, leader of the pack, head chief in charge, whatever you wanna call it. Sure, my dad's the man of the house, but his words are shot to hell without the consent of momma. She's intimidating. Hell, dad's scared of her too. I texted Alex, "Hey you. Skype me?"

Within nearly 9 minutes, he responded, "Thought you'd never ask. Logging on now, see you soon :)" He was the type of person to never leave you hanging. That's another thing I liked about him. He sure has tested my sanity over the course of this past year, let me tell you. How is it humanly possible for someone to develop feelings for another through a computer screen? I do not know. Maybe he's an alien. 

I flipped up the top of my Mac and logged on to Skype. Alex called right when I got on, and already, my heart was beating out of my chest. God, I wonder how it'd be like if I ever met the kid in person. I would probably have a heart attack on him. 

"HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MAY ALL YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE, HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY, FROM CASEY TO YOU! Happy birthday bud! How was it?? How does it feel to be old? You're legally an adult now!" I sang joyfully as soon as his video camera turned on. It's October 12 today, and he just turned 18.

"Thank you, Case. That means a lot! It was pretty awesome! Wish you were here to celebrate it with me though."

"That's wonderful. Did you get any new unicorns? Stuffed animals? Socks? And I wish I could be there too! I'm with you in spirit, how about that?"

"Good enough for me! And yes, I got all of those minus the socks!" I laughed at his seriousness when he said this. He wasn't afraid to shed his pride when I tried to bring out the innocent side of him. "But no, seriously.. I got a new laptop, so that's why I'm in HD right now. I got new headphones and hockey skates. Today was a blast!" He smiled ecstatically.

"That's just swell, Alex. I'm glad you had an enjoyable day." I grinned.

"Ooo, someone's got Hawks gear on." He said, changing the subject. "That Keith jersey looks great on you. I saw that game. You guys are pretty good." He noted.

"Uhm.. pretty good? Are you kidding? The Hawks are the best team in the league, Alex! I thought you played hockey and knew all your deets! We killed the Sharks like 4-1." I said enthusiastically.

"Yeah, yeah. But Canada beats USA in hockey any day." He winked.

"Whatever, Luongo isn't trustworthy! That's why he skated off the ice on you guys when we played you!"

"Mmhmm.. who won that game again?" He asked tauntingly, raising an eyebrow.

"Uhm.. uh.." I bit my lip in hesitation. "Cana ---"

"--- damn straight. Canada!" He interrupted.

"Uh huh, but the Hawks are still way better than your precious Toronto Maple Leafs and Detroit Red Wings, Mr. Alex Meyer. So I'd watch what I say." I said proudly, pursing my lips.


I laughed at his loss of the argument. That's another reason I love talking to Alex. We can talk about hockey together. I try to sound real smart with my limited knowledge about the sport, but I try my best to impress him and myself with what I DO know. 

"Anywaaaaaay, any update on the plan yet?" He asked curiously.

"I actually told my parents today at dinner."

".. and?"

"And after a nice, mature conversation, my mom shot me down and said they'd think about it."

"Damn.. that bad?"

"Ehh.. could've been worse, in all honesty." I said, shrugging my shoulders.

"Let's just take it day by day. No rush. Just let em think it through. I hope they say yes, though." He said with a yawn.

"Me, too. Are you sleepy?" I glanced at the time in the upper right hand corner of my computer screen and noticed it was 9:30 already, meaning 10:30 his time. "Wuh-oh.. get to sleep! I'll talk to you soo ---"

"--- no, Case. I'm fine. I like talking to you, I don't care what time it is." He said with tired eyes.

"Nahh, it's passed your bedtime anyway. Go dream about the Maple Leafs winning the Stanley Cup or something since it won't be happening in real life for awhile." I flashed a smile at him.

He blew out a silent rush of air, eyebrows drawn close, lips pulled forward, eyes squinted. "That was low, Case. Real low." He snickered. "How about I dream of you instead?" 

"Even better." I whispered, trying helplessly not to smile like a dork.

"Your face is priceless right now. It's okay to be all girly about it, Case. I get that you're totally goo goo ga ga over me." 

"Shut up. Go to bed, you lame!"

"Alright, alright!" Alex responded, holding his hands up, palms facing me. "Sweet dreams, Case. See you soon." He smiled that big smile, you know, the one he makes right before a big laugh, but this time, he didn't laugh. He looked calm, honest, peaceful.

"See you soon then. Goodnight, Alex." 

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