Chapter 4: The Little Things

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I buckled myself in the seat of my silver Honda Civic and adjusted my mirrors every so slightly. I plugged in my iPhone to the auxiliary cord and clicked on my playlist, "Something Chill." I was feelin' cheesy today so I put on the sappiest song I could. I promised myself that this song would be played at my wedding someday, if I ever decided to live outside my home without 200 cats and a rocking chair waiting for me to be sat in for knitting time. 

I swayed my head to the beat of the music and allowed its lyrics to captivate me. I had the song on repeat all the way to Maggiano's. I found a parking space in row A3 of the lot and pulled in between the two yellow parallel lines. I grabbed my purse from the passenger's seat, swung it across my body and headed for the restaurant. I was greeted by the valet parker and made my way inside. 40s music played in the cozy Italian restaurant, and the dimmed lights and candle centerpieces kicked up the vintage feel even more. Romantic, even. I turned around and there was Elly, a smile that stretched from ear to ear, hair that was brown and hinted with natural caramel highlights, and twinkling green eyes that could make all the stars in the night sky jealous. Yep, she's a pretty one, that Elly. And the great thing is, she's just as precious on the inside as she is the out. 

"Hey baby! How are you?!" I exclaimed, reaching my arms out for a hug.

"I am swell, thank you m'darling! How about you?" she squeezed back.

"Fabulous, actually. Hey did you make reservations?" I observed the restaurant was jam packed with couples and families. "I forgot to make some, and there are so many people today!"

"Of course, silly! I'd be crazy to go to Maggiano's without one. This place is always crowded!" she grabbed my hand and slithered through the sea of hungry customers to the man at the podium.

"Hi, I have reservations for today." Elly said innocently, flashing her famous smile that could compel any man to his knees. "Two for Elise Jameson."

"Ahh yes, I have you on here for 12:35?"

Elly nodded and the man reciprocated the respect with an awkard grin. "Right this way, ladies."

We were seated at the corner of the restaurant in a booth that could occupy six other people. Good seat you got us, Ells, I thought to myself. I ordered a Rigatoni D and Elly got Maggiano's famous spaghetti with meatsauce. 

"So, what is it you needed to tell me?! Spill! What's going on?" Elly giggled.

"Oh, y'know... --- "

"--- ALEX? It's Alex, isn't it, Case?!"

I stared into her green eyes in disbelief. My eyes were probably shouting 'are you seroius right now?! Let me finish my damn story!' because she caught on pretty quick and composed herself back in her seat.

"Sorry, I'm just so excited. Proceed." Elly reasurred me.

"Thank you! So, you know how.. I'm turning 17 soon? We're in our junior year of high school and I still haven't gotten the chance to check out colleges first hand.. so I was uhh... you know maybe thinking... I could... meet... Alex? For the first time? You know.. on my college search?"

Her jaw dropped and the surprised look evolved into a 'get it girl!' smirk. I smiled back, and felt my cheeks burning up. I was blushing again, at the thought of meeting him.

"Okay, Case, you're one crazy skank! But how exactly are you gonna get this passed your parents?! They don't even want you to go out of state for college!"

"Yeah, see that's the thing. I was thinking I could just tell her that I was going to Canada to explore more options if colleges here didn't suit me. My cousin graduated from college there and she loves it in Canada. Tree-hugging, neighbor-loving, environment-savvi folk, you know?"

"And which college are you going to be 'checking out' in good ol' Canada?"

"See, I was doing some research and found a pretty decent medical school in Toronto, University of Toronto: Faculty of Medicine. It's not like I'm actually gonna move to Canada though, Ell. I'm still praying for Stanford. I'm not actually going on this so-called 'college search' to look for colleges.. I'm gonna be there mostly to meet Alex and hang out with him when I'm not touring the campus."

"That sounds pretty good, Case. I can't believe you're actually wanting to pull this off!" She slirped a fork of spaghetti into her mouth. 

"I know.. It's pretty insane. Do you think I should do it?" I asked wearily, looking up from my filled bowl of rigatoni that I played with and barely nibbled. 

"I mean, girl..." Elly took a sip of her Dr. Pepper, "This is a big opportunity. You can only use this college excuse reasonably this year of your life. Might as well YOLO it up and take a chance. I've seen you and Alex talk.. I know it's just on Skype but you two get along so well and it's inspiring. Cheesy as hell, I get it.. but seriously. If you for one second even think that there's a chance he's the one, take it. Just one thing..." she grinned.

"... Yes?" I whispered nervously.

"Just don't get Catfished or anything!" She laughed loudly, "It would be pretty messed up to see you on that show. I would never let you live it down! But then again, Alex seems pretty legit. Plus, you've Skyped with him. It's not like you've only seen pictures that could potentially be a disguise for a fat, fulltime stalker. You're fine."

"You're right. Ahh, I love you so much, did you know that!?" I chuckled my horendous hyena laugh. I felt confident. I haven't felt more sure about anything in my life. I could meet Alex soon, and I was getting so, so close to it.

We got our food wrapped up to bring home and we walked out of Maggiano's content. Elly's spaghetti was 'oh my freaking god, delicious!' and I got advice from my best friend about something that's been buggin' me for nearly a year. Life's great. 

"I love you, Casey Hemmings, you hockey-player-lovin' gorgeous piece of heaven, you!" She hugged me tightly.

"Yeah? I think I kinda like you too, Elise Jameson, you mystical-fairy-creature lookin hunk of Disney princess-ness!" We pulled apart and I waved goodbye as I walked to my car. God, I love that girl. Any good would be lucky to have her.

I ducked my head and sat in the seat, shutting the door to the left of me and buckled my seatbelt. I plugged my handy dandy iPhone back into the AUX cord and blasted my favorite song again. 

I've waited a hundred years,

I'd wait a million more for you.

Nothing prepared me for,

what the privilege of being yours would do.

If I had only felt the warmth within your touch,

If I had only seen how you smile when you blush,

Or how you curl your lip when you concentrate enough,

I would've known..

What I was living for all along. 

And at that final word of the first verse, I had one person embedded in my mind and one name scribbled into my memory. Both in which belonged to the boy I met online. The boy I've come to know. The funny, kind-hearted, hockey-playing, gorgeous, patient boy I've grown to love.

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