Chapter 10: Chiseled by the Gods

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It's December 19 today and I'm pumped. Ecstatic. I'm sitting in my last class of the day, Smart Lab: Health Sciences / Human Services. I wasn't exactly sure what I was thinking when I checked this class's box on the course selection form during my Sophomore year. I was recommended for it and I guess I just did it for that reason. It's for people who want to have careers in the medical field. It helps you identify various job opportunities in that specific field. I thought the class was a joke, first coming in. But, I'm learning that it's gonna help me in the long-run. I spun around in my wheely chair that sat behind a desktop Dell computer. I was sitting next to my friend, Cara Dawson, the only other person in the class I knew more than as an acquaintance. She's a red-head, and yes, she has a soul. She has skin as pale as Snow White's and eyes so blue, they'd make the seas jealous. Gawsh, she's a dime. She offered me a piece of apple-flavored 5 gum. I accepted it, hoping that my growling stomach would shut up from the goodness of the taste. I hate that; when your stomach starts growling in class like a wild cat. I've learned a few tricks along the way...

1. Rustle your papers like your having a seizure. Just go ballistic, and pretend you're flipping through the pages looking for an answer to a question.

2. Sneak some food in your bag and take a few bites every once in awhile.

3. Get a drink of water from the water fountain and hope that the water confuses your stomach into thinking it's food.

4. YOLO it up and live with it.

5.  You accept the fact that you're S.O.L. (incorporate trick 5 with trick 4).

"What are some skills beyond being able to read and write, that are essential for having, to be successful in jobs today?" said Dr. Crowley. She's a short, white-haired woman. You'd think she'd be some mean cat-lady who would spank her grand kids for stealing cookies from the cookie jar; but, she's actually a very kind and patient woman. Her breath always reeked of coffee. Bleh. I shuddered every time she came over to me when I asked a question. Other than that, she's just adorable.. in a non-awkward... way.

A hand shot up from the other side of the room. "Communication." And then another. "Organization." And soon, everyone got the gist of things, and more words were being spat out from all directions. "Flexibility." "Time management." "Leadership." Independence." 

I stared at the clock behind me and watched as the second hand spun around past the three, and then the six, and then the nine, and then RING! Class was dismissed at 3:35 and life was good. Cara and I walked out of the crevices of the seemingly abandoned part of the Art Wing and into the East Wing where we'd make our way to the second floor to stop by our lockers before heading home. We said our goodbyes when Cara had to walk further to get to her locker. I turned the knob carefully to the 4, then left one whole turn to the 12, and lastly one more turn to the right until the lock clicked at 36. I grabbed my leopard-print fur-lined, army green parka and my black and white-striped infinity scarf, dropped off my afternoon books, and headed toward the exit. I called my mom when I got outside and noticed her glossy black BMW x5 parked along the pick-up curb. She waved from inside and blew me a kiss. I pretended to catch it in my right hand and put it in my pocket. I think we're pretty darn cute, huh?

"Hi-ya, mumzy!" I smiled.

"Hey stranger. How was your day?" She said as she turned the wheel left and proceeded from the curb. She picked me up every time my sister decided to steal my car to get to school. She's in college, and her schedule is pretty messed up, so I'm forced to cooperate. Her car was given to me, and she's still waiting for hers. She's getting it as a graduation present when she finishes up nursing school at the end of the month.

"Swell. How about yours?"

"It was decent. Takin' it day by day," mom muttered. "You ready for your big trip?"

"YES! I'm so excited!"

"Did you pack up yet, Case?" she looked at me with suspicious eyes.

"Oh, no.. I guess I'm not all that ready. I'll pack when I get home, before homework." 

"Alright, hon." she pulled into the driveway of our house and opened the garage. School was only 5 minutes away, but it seemed much closer today. "See ya later, alligator!" She yelled.

"In awhile, crocodile!" I replied over my shoulder, as I walked to the garage door that led to the house.

I pressed the white button on the control pad and watched as the garage shifted back in place. I ran straight up to my room and grabbed the black Delsey suitcase on the way. I swung open the closet door and began to throw things on my bed behind me. I picked out a couple pairs of jeans, knit sweaters, cardigans, tees, a dress, and tights. Oh, and I packed my Duncan Keith jersey too, to bug Alex with. I folded the clothes nicely into a pile and arranged them to fit nicely in the luggage. I checked my phone and saw that Alex was online on Skype. I turned on my laptop and performed the usual ritual. I called him and within 5 rings, he answered.

There he was, looking handsome as always. He had on an orange, blue, and white plaid flannel button-down. Under it was a solid grey shirt. He had the first three buttons undone and the sleeves rolled up. Just the way I like it. Rawr. *insert paw-scratch motion here* God, were the girls at his school lucky to be able to seem like that. His hair was curly and darker than usual. It looked wet from a shower, which explained his darkened hair color. His rose-pink lips were pressed into a straight line, while his brown eyes traveled, looking all over the screen for his "Unmute" button. Other than being Canadian, he's Greek. And I think I have a right to say that damn, his physical features have been chiseled by the gods. Thank you Hercules, Apollo, Zeus.. WHOEVER.. for bestowing your fantabulous features on this god-like human of today. Amen.

"Aaaaaalllleexxxxx!" I giggled.

"You're so weird. Hey, Case" He smiled. "What are you up to?"

"Oh, just finished packing actually."

"I'm real excited for your visit. I can't wait to finally be able to meet you."

"Me too, bud! What'll we do when I get there?"

"Well, you're gonna take care of your college stuff first. I'm not gonna interrupt with that until it's all done. You're in Canada for that." 

I nodded, "Well yeah, silly. But what are we gonna do when all that's done and over with?"

"It's a surprise. I've got it all planned out. We've got an entire week. Oh, and my friends wanna meet you." He smirked. He must have seen the scared look on my face. "No, no, they're great. They're crazy, but they're real cool." He reassured.

"I'm up for anything. I can't wait!"

"Same here! Give me a call whenever you're free and I'll pick you up to hang out."

"My parents actually got me a rental, so.."

"Oh, alright. Well, I'm not gonna make you meet me up to go on a date with me. That's not gentleman-like." He winked.

"Ooooo, a date?" I pursed my lips.

"Well.. a hangout.. but if you want to call it a date, we can call it that." He blushed.

"You're real cute when you get all choked up like that. Don't worry. Let's call em dates then." I said.

He bit his bottom lip and looked down to laugh. Probably at my cheesiness. God, I'm so awkward. This is why I don't have a boyfriend, I thought to myself.

"Aight, Case.. I gotta get going. I'll call you at 7, your time. I gotta do my psychology homework." He held up a book called, "Brain Works."

"Sure thing, smarty. I'll talk to ya in a bit." I waved.

"Later, Casey." He chuckled.

Ugh, he's so pretty. 

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