2.04 - 𝙁𝙚𝙧𝙧𝙮 𝙁𝙧𝙚𝙚-𝙁𝙤𝙧-𝘼𝙡𝙡

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ADRIAN TOOMES WAS back at base with his colleagues. Herman paced around practicing with his shock gauntlet which he acquired after Jackson Brice was fired. Phineas was at his desk working on some of their gadgets while his boss leaned against the table rubbing his chin.

"Look, I can finish the next order, but without the materials from that truck..."

"Damn it." Toomes sighed and rubbed his forehead. "We still got enough for the Gargan deal though, right?"

"Yeah. But then that's it."

There was a pause before the tinkerer thought of an idea.

"Oh, I think it's time that I build the high-altitude seal."

"Would you shut up about that?" His boss snapped back.

"It'll only be for one job."


Phineas shook his head and continued with the device he was previously fixing. Adrian thought for a moment before speaking again.

"Four years. Not a word from the Feds. From those Halloween costume wearing bozos up there in Stark Tower. And then all of a sudden this uh...this little bastard in red tights shows up and he thinks he can tear down everything I built? Really?"

Adrian chuckled then continued. "I'm gonna kill him. I'm gonna find him–"

"Found him." Herman interjected and pointed at the television in front of them. The news anchor was on the story of the situation that happened a few hours ago in Washington D.C.

Toomes and his crew attentively listened.

"The Spider-Man swooped in, quickly saving an academic decathlon team from Queens. The identity of the masked hero is still unknown."

• • •

THE STUDENTS REUNITED with their parents later that night. Y/N had to think of an excuse on why he flaked from the decathlon, and he expected some sort of punishment from the school itself.

Liz's mother hugged her mother once she came out of the bus and Ned also met with his. MJ's dad embraced her and immediately took her to their car. Gwen's father was still in his police uniform when he arrived. He probably had his siren on the whole way there.

 He probably had his siren on the whole way there

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May reunited with Peter too. Y/N had come out of the bus last, carrying his bag and looking around for his dad. He wasn't far and it wasn't long until he spotted him.

"Y/N!" Michael jogged up to his son. Y/N gave a soft smile but didn't get to greet him back before the elder pulled him in for a hug.

"I shouldn't have let you go." Michael said during the embrace. "Something could've happened to you. I wouldn't have known. My..my life would've crumbled after that one phone call."

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