6.06 - 𝙍𝙤𝙘𝙠𝙚𝙛𝙚𝙡𝙡𝙚𝙧 𝙍𝙪𝙢𝙗𝙡𝙚

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MAYA LOPEZ STOOD in the middle of the Fat Man Auto Repair parking lot. The Ronin had delivered a message earlier in the day to her men, informing them that he'd confront her that night.

Many Tracksuits were hiding behind cars, with Kazi up on the roof of the establishment holding a sniper rifle. He surveyed the area for the Ronin, looking through his scope. Suddenly, he felt a cold blade press against his neck.

He slowly lowered his gun and looked back, knowing who it was.

"Okay..." He breathed out. "Let's ta—"

The man was hit in the face and knocked out. Back in the lot, Ivan and Tomas crept through the parked cars. Suddenly, Tomas's foot was grabbed and pulled down, where he was dragged under a car.

Another Dracula was tackled and Ivan quickly spun around to see what it was. It wasn't long until the large man was taken down too.

Nearby, two more Tracksuits were closing in. One of them was pulled down and accidentally shot the foot of the one in front. He groaned in pain but was silenced immediately afterward.

Maya looked around, seeing that her men weren't around. She pulled out her handgun, holding it up, and immediately shot at the shadowy figure sprinting behind the cars. She ended up emptying her clip and not landing a single shot.

She dropped her pistol and the Ronin came out of the shadows. He held his sword and slowly walked up to Maya.

Maya glared and immediately charged the ninja. She landed kicks with her metal prosthetic leg but Ronin blocked them with his sword. He stabbed down but Maya pinned it to the floor and disarmed him, taking the sword for herself.

 He stabbed down but Maya pinned it to the floor and disarmed him, taking the sword for herself

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She slashed the shoulder of Ronin and he let out a grunt. She tried to attack again but he blocked it with his gauntlet. He countered with a punch across her face and kicked the sword out of her hand.

With no weapon, Ronin and Maya engaged one another again in hand-to-hand combat. Maya grabbed his neck but he escaped her hold with a hard kick to the stomach. Maya fell back but quickly recovered.

Suddenly, a stray bullet hit the car near Ronin. He looked back and saw four Tracksuit reinforcements arriving. He dove out of the way of another gunshot and took cover.

Before they can advance on him, a web line pulled the gun out of the man's grasp. He looked up but couldn't react fast enough as a foot planted on his face.

"Argh!" He grunted and fell to the floor.

Spider-Man landed in front of the men and faced them. With the men distracted, Ronin took the opportunity to engage Maya again.

"How many of you are there? You guys respawn like NPCs or what?" Y/N asked.

Spider-Man combatted the Tracksuits while Ronin fought Maya. Ronin dove for his sword and reacquired it. Maya charged and tried to land a kick, but Ronin trapped her leg and threw her aside.

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