The Aus Returns

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The Aus Returns

"Yeah?" Finn answered his phone distractedly, he was reading through an email which bored the socks off him. Andrew Duncan was possibly the most boring accountant in the world, which was saying something and he wrote as dull as he spoke.

"Hello son," his father said with a chuckle.

"Hey dad, what's up?" Finn asked happily, closing his laptop. He could put off Mr Duncan for a few minutes longer thank goodness.

"I have a favor to ask," his dad said and Finn knew that tone, whatever it was Finn was not going to like it.

"And what pray tell is that Father dearest?" Finn asked, if it was a big enough favor perhaps he could get his dad to look over the Duncan email instead of him.

"I need you to fly out tonight," his dad said. "The general manager of the Westchester in Hartford just quit."

"So? Just promote whoever is next in line until we can hire someone else," Finn said, he hated having to fly back to the States just for a few days. He didn't mind if he was going to be there for weeks or months, gave him a chance to catch up with his mates, but a couple of days was just a waste of his time.

"Normally I would, but in three day's time that band's playing their intimate gig for their end of the world tour," his dad said.

"What band?" Finn asked, he had no idea what his dad was talking about which was strange as he took care of the entertainment in all their hotels.

"Erm... Hip Alan?" His dad didn't touch the entertainment side since Finn had started working for him five years ago. And it showed.

"Hip Alan?" Finn frowned, that didn't ring any bells.

"No idea. They're originally from Connecticut but they're really big now and wanted to do their last date at our hotel as it's close to all of their homes," his dad tried explaining.

Finn opened Google and typed in the information his dad had given him.

"Dad, did you mean Hep Alien?" Finn asked, trying not to show his excitement, he wanted his dad to look through the accountant's email after all. He had been following Hep Alien for the past two years though. They were amazing and to be there for one of their gigs, an intimate one at that would be awesome. He wondered if any of his friends would be able to make it too.

"I have no idea, the general manager, Quintin Travers, arranged it all and then quit. But obviously I need someone to handle it. And who else would be better than my heir, the one who shall someday take my throne, my son, my only son-"

"I got it. Fine but if I have to go to Hartford you have to look at this email from Andrew Duncan," Finn cut his dad off, the man could ramble. In fact in all his travels and all his adventures he'd only met one person who could possibly give his dad a run for his money and he'd not seen hide nor hair of her in four years. More was the pity she was easy on the eyes and with a wit to boot.

"But he's so boring," his dad whined, making Finn chuckle. He got his eccentricity from Phineas Morgan senior without a doubt. A fact that annoyed his mother no end.

"If you want me to fly out tonight then you have to deal with Duncan," Finn said.

"Fine, but the plane leaves in... an hour," his dad said and Finn thought there was a reason for him leaving that tiny bit of information out until the deal was done.

"Dad!" Finn sighed, annoyed now. "That doesn't give me enough time to get home and get packed and then make it to the plane."

"I know, sorry about that. Go shopping and put the bill on the company," his dad said completely unrepentant.

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