Makes The Heart Grow Fonder

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Makes the Heart Grow Fonder

Monday, after she had said goodbye to Finn, Rory gave herself over to wallowing when she got back home. Sharing her ice cream with Will and her mom and watching bad movies, letting the sadness she felt out. Her mom had been surprised that Rory had wanted to have a wallow session. After all, as her mom had pointed out, it had only been just over a week. Rory couldn't explain it though, those ten days had been… well almost perfect. Finn was a great friend, who she had missed more than she'd realised until she'd seen him again, and then… He'd made her stomach lurch, her heart flutter, he'd made her feel more passion than she'd ever felt and he'd made her happy. Truly happy. 

Tuesday morning she woke to a text message on her phone from Finn. 

Hey Kitten, we're back in Aus, I'll call you when it's not three am there. Hope you had a good day x

She smiled at that as she got ready for the day. Then she looked up what time it was in Australia. It was eleven thirty at night, and he'd been on a plane for sixteen hours. She'd probably have to wait to call him. Internally she worked out that he should be up at about eight thirty that night, her time. Instead she sent him a text back. 

Hey Finn, glad you got back okay, have a good night, 

She hesitated as to what else to send. 

Going to get my mug of mud to wake up. Speak soon x

With that she pressed send. She had a full day ahead of her thankfully. Wedding planning with Lane then hanging out with Jess that night. 

Planning the wedding was much easier than Rory had thought. Brian and Lane hadn't wanted a huge sit down meal, which meant no seating chart. The food and bar was taken care of by the hotel, they had offers from loads of bands to play so entertainment was done. All they really had to do was go wedding dress shopping, bridesmaid dress shopping and get center pieces for the tables at the reception. The wedding planner at the Westchester had offered to put some samples together so they just had to choose from them. 

They made arrangements to go dress shopping the next day at some exclusive shops in Hartford. Two of which were closing for part of the day just for them. Lane had found that weird still, but necessary. Then Lane, Brian and Rory were going to the hotel to choose the centerpieces. It was going to be a manic Christmas Eve.

At night her and Jess went out for pizza, chatted about books, editing, news and just generally hung out. He didn't bring up her future or lack of plans, he did say he thought Finn was an okay guy though. At nine she excused herself and went home to call Finn. 

"Hello?" Finn answered on the fourth ring. 

"Hi," Rory said with a big grin. 

"Kitten, I was going to call you," Finn said and she could hear his smile. 

"I'm not interrupting anything am I?" Rory asked, worried that he was busy. 

"Nothing that can't wait, I'd much rather be talking to you love. How was your day?" He asked. 

They spent half an hour on the phone talking about their days, about what they were doing the day after, when they could facetime. What their traditions were for Christmas. Until Finn had to go, he had to go meet up with his family for lunch, with his grandparents. It was already Christmas Eve there. 

Hanging up the phone Rory smiled. 


Christmas morning dawned bright and early for the Morgan family, they'd never been ones to lie in bed all day on Christmas. Kelly always got up at six and waited till seven to wake everyone up. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2022 ⏰

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