I Want Candy

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I Want Candy

Rory woke to the sound of her phone ringing the next morning, she had a slight headache but wasn't too hungover. Just annoyed about being woken early. Again. All of her friends and all of her family knew she was no good in the morning, especially if she hadn't had coffee, yet they persisted in calling her before the sun was properly in the sky.

"Yeah?" She groaned into the phone.

"Good morning Miss Socialite, another night out was it?" Jess said in his cocky voice that made her want to reach down the phone and strangle him.

"Yes, it was. Did you want something?" Rory asked, turning to look at her clock. It was only eight am.

"To talk to one of my best friends in the world," Jess said with a little laugh.

"What do you want Mariano?" Rory growled sitting up.

"I wanted, seriously, to see how you're doing. I've seen a lot of stuff in the rags this week. A lot. And I was wondering how you were getting on figuring out your next steps," Jess said, sincerely. After her mom and Luke had married Jess and she became cousins, and then they slowly started back up their friendship over shared holidays, till suddenly, without either of them realizing it, they were one of each other's closest confidants.

"I still have no idea," Rory groaned, turning onto her back and staring at the ceiling. She wanted to write, to travel, to enjoy herself and not feel like the pampered heiress she'd been the past two months. She'd considered doing a travel blog, but it didn't ring right. She'd also considered doing charity work or actually having something to do with one of the businesses she was supposed to be inheriting, though that thought made her want to cry.

"So, what have you been doing instead of thinking about your future? Like I don't know," Jess said, sounding frustrated with her. She hated when he got on his high horse with her.

"I've been busy," she said defensively.

"Yeah, with another trust fund brat," Jess said scathingly.

"Finn's not like that, he works, he's in town for work, he goes home next week," Rory defended herself and Finn.

"Uh huh, right," Jess said.

"I'm going. I haven't had coffee and you're in one of your moods," Rory said before hanging up and going in search of coffee, her phone still tightly held in her hand.

"Good morning sunshine, did you have a good night with the sexy Australian?" Her mom asked as she walked into the kitchen.

"Lorelai!" Luke groaned, turning and shooting his wife a look.

"Well he is... fine, Rory darling daughter. Did you and Finn have a spiffing time last night?" Her mom said with a false British accent that was terrible. Her mom should not do accents.

"Indeed I did mother," Rory played along, hoping it would stop the sulking as Rory made herself a real coffee. "We had a drinking game, I met his parents and Francine only told me off three times."

"Three? That's good going," her mom nodded approvingly.

"A drinking game?" Luke asked, looking concerned.

"Yes, anytime anyone asked us about the rumors or plans for the holidays we had to take a drink," Rory grinned.

"And yet you don't look hungover?" Her mom questioned as Rory stared at the coffee machine running.

"We only got pleasantly tipsy. We then started having a competition about who could get rid of the old boring people talking to us the fastest," Rory smiled in remembrance. Finn had been good at it too. He'd told one man that they had triplets at home, that they'd left with the nanny, but were trying for quads next. She'd bit her lip so hard not to laugh at that she'd tasted blood.

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