Society Special

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Society Special

Finn woke with a pounding head that wasn't helped with the pounding coming from the door to his suite. With a groan he got up, threw on the hotel robe and staggered to the door. He hadn't drank like he had last night in months.

"Yeah?" He said, opening the door.

"Hey Mr Boss Man," Daniel said way too cheerfully.

"It's my day off, go away," Finn groaned, why was he being bothered? It was much too early for this and the sun was much too bright for his eyes and head.

"No can do Boss Man. Your mom and dad are here asking for you," Daniel grinned happily.

"Tell them I'm ridiculously hungover and I'll come down for lunch," Finn mumbled. He needed painkillers and tacos.

"It's lunch in half an hour Finn," Daniel said still smiling, Finn resisted the urge to hit him.

"Alright, I'll be down in half an hour if I haven't drowned myself in the shower," Finn groaned then slammed the door in Daniel's face, hopefully that stopped him grinning.

Finn took a hot shower straight after he'd had some painkillers. Standing under the spray he started remembering the night before. Colin, Robert and Rory.

Then the memory hit him and he smiled despite his churning stomach.

Her lips against his, her hands tangled in his hair, her body pushed up against his decadently. With a groan he turned the shower cold. It had been a very, very good night. He hadn't wanted her to go home, he wanted her to come back with him, to explore her, to feel her tongue sweeping against his lips again, to feel her teeth nibbling his lip. Finn however had been a good boy and made sure she got home. After all, he had two dates left and Rory Gilmore was not a girl you slept with on the first date. Rory Gilmore was a girl you took your time with.

The cold water on him brought a cold realization. He had to go home next week. To Australia. Where Rory was practically the otherside of the world.

He'd be back in January, but that was a month away, would she wait a month? She'd had guys hitting on her all night, even when she'd been oblivious to it. And even when he came back he'd only be back for a couple of weeks. With a sigh he turned off the shower, his high from the previous night dissipating. At least he had two more dates, he'd just have to make sure that the date the next night was one that blew her away. After all, the society party tonight was bound to be dull no matter what.

Finn got dressed into casual clothes, he did not want any of the employees bringing him problems that day. He was too hung over and well due for a day off. Plus he had errands to run after he'd had lunch with his parents.

Finn found his parents and surprisingly his little sister Kelly, in the restaurant, they already had drinks in front of them and Dennis, who would soon be sacked, was flitting around them maddeningly.

"Mr Morgan sir," Dennis bowed to him.

"Dennis, I'm off today, can you make sure the inventory of the bar is ready for tomorrow? Ask one of the waiters to come to our table," Finn said, much too hungover to deal with the brown nosing this morning.

"Of course Mr Morgan, right away," he said before walking away, his nose in the air.

"Mum, dad, Kelly!" Finn said with a smile for his family who'd all stood up to greet him. He hugged his dad and his little sister, kissing his mum on the cheek. "What are you guys doing here?"

"The Maine Hotel didn't take as long as we thought so we came to see you son. And of course meet our new daughter-in-law," his dad said with a laugh. Of course they'd seen the pictures, it seemed everyone had.

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