Nothing Lasts Forever

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Nothing Lasts Forever

Finn woke slowly, his mind slow as he opened his eyes to see a mass of brunette hair. His hands were wrapped around a warm body, smooth lines under his finger tips. With a smile the memories of the night before came to him.

He'd had more than his fare share of sex, but last night had been... well fucking amazing came to mind, bloody brilliant, explosive. He'd dreamt about it in college, what it would be like to be with her, he'd had fantasties the past five days, but nothing could compare to how she actually was. How she responded to every touch, how her body contorted beautifully, how her face looked in the throws of passion, how her legs wrapped around him. He couldn't have begun to believe how she made him groan like he'd never done before. He'd never said anyone's name when he'd come before, never.

He propped himself up on his elbow and looked down at her sleeping form, desire and something else leaping in his stomach. She looked adorable and sexy all at the same time, the sheets barely covering all the important bits, her face relaxed and pretty.

Finn thought he'd done well with the date the day before, she was so happy about everything. Her excitement was infectious. She'd even been excited about the restaurant.

Not able to help himself he leant down and placed light kisses along her shoulder blades. She stirred with a small mumble, sending desire shooting through him.

"Mmm..." Rory moaned and stretched as he carried on kissing her velvety smooth skin, his hands going to her hips. She turned to face him, her eyes barely open, her hair everywhere.

"Morning love," he whispered, pressing a kiss to her pouty lips.

"Morning Finn," she whispered back, leaning up to kiss him back. He loved that she wasn't the shy wallflower he'd imagined her to be. She was a very willing, very active participant.

Finn deepened the kiss, his hands exploring again. He smiled through the kisses as she started moaning and panting as he hit that sweet spot. His name falling from her lips like a prayer as her eyes rolled and her back arched.

"Finn, I need you," she panted as she came down from her high. He reached into the night stand where he'd put the condoms, just in case, when he'd unpacked the day before.

Finn thought that the sex that followed was the best morning sex ever had by anyone. He found that she was very bendy, and quite happy to take the lead at some points.

They collapsed back onto the bed together when they'd both finished. Finn knew he'd have to move, to get rid of the condom, but his legs felt like jello, his breath was coming fast.

"God you're good at that," Rory said, turning on her side and cuddling up to him.

"Right back at you Ror," Finn gasped.

The phone in the room started ringing, with a frown Rory turned to answer it. Placing a kiss on her shoulder he went to the bathroom to get rid of the condom and use the facilities.

"Who was that love?" Finn asked, walking back into the bedroom, frowning as he saw Rory with the covers over her head. "Love?" He heard her muffled voice come out from under the blankets, which were shaking.

Worried, he gently pulled them back to look at her. Finn let out a sigh as he saw she was laughing rather than crying as he'd feared.

"Rory?" He asked, sitting next to her.

"That was the front desk," she said, still laughing, her hands going to her mouth. "They had a complaint about the noise coming from this suite."

Finn joined in on the laughter. He was sure that both of them had been rather loud at some point during that.

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