To Date or Not to Date That is the Question

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To Date or Not to Date That is the Question

"You look perfect, stop primping, your carriage awaits," Rory's mom called through her bedroom door at six thirty that evening. She had gone with the green dress, curled her hair and put a little more makeup than she'd usually wear on. She tried not to be too excited, it was just a meal with friends. Something she'd done hundreds of times. Heck she'd been eating meals with Lane for over twenty years now.

"I'm coming," Rory yelled back, picking up her jacket and bag for the evening, not fearing that they'd run into photographers that evening. They'd stopped coming to Stars Hollow after Hep Alien had become famous. The combination of Taylor fining them for every unsolicited picture they took and Kirk following them around asking for tips had made sure that they stayed well away from the small town. The only exception was if Rory ever came home with someone, like when she'd driven with Jess a few weeks ago. They'd soon left though, thanks to the other residents of Stars Hollow.

"You look nice," Luke said as she came out, he was holding Will who was upset that he couldn't come with his momma and Ory. At three he was utterly adorable and the spitting image of his dad except for his bright blue eyes which were all Gilmore.

"Thanks," Rory said with a blush.

"Okay we're going, you have the number I'll see you later, I love you both. Will, be good for daddy and go to bed when he says okay baby?" Lorelai said, sweeping in to kiss her son and Luke.

"I good," Will smiled at her. "Ory hug?"

Rory beamed before she walked over and plucked Will from Lukes arms, giving her little brother a giant hug. "Love you," she breathed in his ear.

"Wuv you Or," he tried whispering back but it came out as a shout that had her ears ringing while she laughed and passed him back to his father.

"Come on, let's go, I wanna meet... everyone," her mom said, fooling nobody.

"You're going to be good tonight right?" Rory asked worried about how she'd act around Finn.

"I will do no such thing. I can't drink alcohol, I can't drink coffee, what I can do however is embarass my first born," her mom laughed, her smile evil looking.

"Ah, I see we're channeling Emily this evening?" Rory shot back.

"I used to like you," her mom grumbled as they walked out of the front door to her mom's Jeep. It was still going somehow and she refused to buy another one. Or let Rory buy her another one. Or Luke. Rory teased her mom it was the little car that could.

The ride to the Inn went quickly with her mom playing the best of the eighties and both of them singing along. Her mom a lot better than her.

As they pulled up outside Rory started feeling nervous. The dress was too much. She should have just gone for a little black dress or pants and a nice top.

"Stop stressing you look great, now come on I want to see the band. And the sexy Australian," her mom smirked, opening her door and climbing out.

Rory sighed and followed her mom, she had a feeling tonight was going to be difficult. And she'd been looking forward to it as well.

Inside Lane, Brian, Shawn and Miss Patty were already waiting, despite Rory and her mom being ten minutes early, a feat for the Gilmore Girls without a doubt. Greetings were given, drinks ordered and Rory resisted the urge to look at her phone. Watching Shawn and Miss Patty was enough to keep her distracted.

"We're here, sorry the babysitter was late and then she asked for autographs," Gil said, coming in with his wife Debbie. Rory was relieved to see that Debbie was dressed up too.

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