A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

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A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

Finn was interviewing, an aspect of his job he usually quite enjoyed. He'd seen three candidates so far and had two more after the current woman he was interviewing. 

The problem was between his phone buzzing non stop and replaying the events of last night and this morning in his head he was more than a little distracted. He couldn't check his phone in the middle of the interview, and he should be able to compartmentalize enough to not be thinking about Rory standing in the window of his room, his t-shirt draped over her petite form. 

"And what would you say is a company's biggest asset?" Finn asked the woman, she'd answered adequately but she didn't have that energy that went so well in the hospitality industry. The ones that really succeeded and made successes of the hotels all had a certain… bounce, or feel about them, this woman didn't. 

He was distracted from her answer as for the fifteenth time in the past twenty minutes his phone buzzed yet again. 

"Umm huh," he said, not picking up his phone like he really wanted to do. If it was an emergency his office phone would ring or his work phone. "What changes, if any, could you see yourself making?" 

Once again the memory of Rory falling asleep cuddled up to him, a small smile on her face flashed through his brain. She was adorable in her sleep. He'd thought a lot of her at college, a lot. She was funny, beautiful, witty, but she was always Logan's girlfriend. A classification that made it okay to look, which he did often, but never okay to think of in any capacity other than friend. He couldn't always control his dreams back then but they'd been easily pushed away in the pursuit of yet another red head. 

"Thank you for coming to see me Rachel, we'll be in touch within the week," Finn said, standing up and shaking the woman's hand, realizing he'd heard less than half of what she'd said the entire time. 

"Is my next appointment here?" Finn asked Terry who was at reception. 

"Not yet Mr Morgan," Terry replied blushing and not making eye contact. 

"Can you let me know when they do please," he said before closing his office door and picking up his phone finally. 

He had messages from all of his closest friends in the US, all pretty much saying the same thing; call me! He also had a message from his father saying that he and Finn's mom were flying in to take care of an issue in Maine, and that they'd meet up after. Then a message from his mother saying they wanted to talk. He had missed calls too. Twenty missed calls. With a frown he scrolled through them. His friends, his parents, his sisters… and one from Rory. 

Despite all of the urgent messages from all of his other nearest and dearest he found he wanted to call her first. Make sure she was okay, that they were still on for dinner, even if the band cancelled he and she could go out, carry on catching up and reminiscing. There was nothing wrong with that. Right? 

With a groan he put his head in his hands. He could not be hung up on his best mates ex. That went against the bro code and morals and all that other crap. 

He picked his phone up to call his friends back first when a knock came from his door. "Yeah?"

"Mr Morgan, Mark Mccarthy is here for his interview," Terry said in a small voice, head not even fully around the door. 

"Send him in please, thanks," Finn said, ready for yet another interview. 

His phone only went three times during Mark's interview and he thought the guy had potential. Images of Rory were pushed away so he could concentrate on his job. 

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