Tales of Woe

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Tales of Woe 

Rory Gilmore looked around the suite she was in, it was large and luxurious as was to be expected, what was unexpected was that it was clean and tidy, unless Finn had the maids do it of course. Finn. Finn Morgan. 

It had been four years since she had last seen the exuberant Australian, and she had missed him. Him and Colin, she'd missed them particularly when Logan and her had broken up. 

Those two, although they took some getting used to, were amazing friends to have. They were always there when you needed them, and when you needed them but didn't want them. They'd moved her, twice on the spur of the moment without expecting so much as a thank you. They'd cheered her up when she'd been down, they'd brought coffee, snacks and takeout when she was going through one of her manic study sessions. They were the people she'd missed most the past four years. 

Four years, they'd gone in the blink of an eye, yet here she was with one of her boys four years later and it was like nothing had changed. Finn was still himself, even if he was slightly calmer, she assumed as he was working. His hair was longer, he had tiny lines around his eyes when he smiled, but other than that he was exactly as she remembered. He was tall, dark and handsome, the suit he'd been wearing accenting his slim figure and broad shoulders perfectly. And he was still cheering her up when she was down. 

She was glad to have run into him, in fact seeing Finn and Hep Alien was literally the highlight of her week, perhaps even year at this rate. Now though she was dreading having to bring up the past month or two of her life. She hoped he had some alcohol as well as good coffee. 

"Here you go Rory love, it's not much but I wasn't expecting to get a beautiful woman into my room tonight. Should fit though and if not there's always the naked option," Finn winked at her coming out of his bedroom and passing her a bundle of clothes. 

"You weren't expecting a beautiful woman to be accompanying you tonight? Why Finn, I believe you're right, you are a husk of what you once were? What would the boys say?" Rory joked back with him, easily falling into their old routine of flirting and witty rejoinders. 

"Oh marvellous Rory, please save me from my fate of being mocked mercilessly by my one true loves, the boys, and pray do not tell them," Finn grinned widely at her, his green eyes sparkling. "Though to be fair seeing as how I have managed to get a beautiful woman up to my room I can no longer be mocked." 

"Thanks for this, I'll go change," Rory said, holding up the clothes he was lending her to sleep in. A pang of hurt flashed through her, she couldn't tell the others could she, she didn't know them anymore. 

"Room service is on its way, I'll put the coffee pot on and get changed into something more comfortable myself. I've got a fantastic neglige if that tickles your fancy?" Rory couldn't help but laugh, there he went again, it was like he had a sixth sense for when people were upset and his whole raison d'etre was to cheer them up. 

"I think you'd be more comfortable in sweats, Finn," she said over her shoulder, walking into the spare room he'd said she could use for the night. 

"Your loss Kitten," he called back to her as she shut the door behind her with a smile. 

It was a nice room, the bed was large and looked comfortable, the sheets a light creme. There was a TV in the room as well as bedside tables but that was it. 

Quickly Rory got changed into the large t-shirt Finn had leant her and a pair of his boxers, she was relieved to see they both had tags on. The boxers posed an issue though, his waist was apparently slightly larger than hers as every time she moved they slipped down her legs. Rummaging through her bag she found a hair tie and gathered the material to the side before slipping the tie on. 

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