Out of Time

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Out of Time

Finn stared down at the woman he'd woken up next to for the third time in a row. Once more she was naked and cuddled up to him. She was beautiful. Truly beautiful, she had no makeup on, her hair was a mess and yet she was stunning. A contrast to other women who were beautiful until the makeup, hair extensions, heels and all the other fake things came off.

Their snow day had been perfect, full of laughter, coffee, snacks and then fun after he'd finished work. They'd gone for a walk in the snow that ended in a snowball fight which she lost spectacularly. She had no aim whatsoever but she looked cute anyway. They'd gone back to his suite afterwards, where they'd had hot chocolate and dinner without leaving the suite.

He stared down at her smooth shoulder, her creamy skin on show.

Finn had told her about arranging a holiday so that he could go to the wedding with her. And that he'd have three weeks there in January, if she wanted to spend time together then. She'd smiled widely, her eyes had sparkled and she'd dived on him, kissing him hard. It hadn't been long after that they'd ended up naked on the couch.

With a sigh he got out of bed, they only had three days left, one of which she had to spend at her grandparents house, the other they were spending with Logan and Rose. He hoped that it wouldn't be weird. Any other time and he'd be excited about catching up with his mates, convince them to spend the night out with him at clubs drinking and having the time of their lives. It was his last night with Rory for three weeks though and he just wanted to spend it with her alone, and preferably in bed.

He got out of bed despite desperately not wanting to. However the new general manager was starting today, Mark and he had interviews for Dennis' role before he then sacked Dennis. It was going to be a long day and an even longer night without Rory.

He showered and dressed before heading to the living room where he ordered breakfast and started Julio, the coffee machine that Rory had named.

Taking the mugs he went back into the bedroom where Rory slept on.

"Kitten," he said quietly, setting the coffee down on the bedside table.

"Morning," she said with a yawn, her eyes still closed.

"Breakfast's on the way and I made coffee," he said sitting on the edge of the bed.

"You're very domesticated," she said, with a smile and a giggle, her eyes still closed.

"Take that back! I am not!" He said in mock outrage. In truth he'd rarely done the breakfast, coffee thing in the morning with any other girl he'd slept with.

"You can cook and everything, I'm not taking it back," she giggled again.

"And how do you know I can cook? I might burn toast for all you know," he laughed, he could in fact cook, it wasn't a skill he advertised though.

"You cooked for the first Life and Death Brigade event I went to. I remembered as Logan complained it was too salty," she said, her eyelashes fluttering against her cheeks.

"Just his was too salty," Finn laughed, Logan had been ragging on him about cooking all week, so Finn put three times the amount of salt on Huntz's plate.

"Gross," Rory frowned, her face scrunching up in disgust.

"Very gross," Finn also wrinkled his face in disgust as he saw where her mind had gone. "And also no, I put more salt in his is all."

"That's okay then," Rory giggled, shifting up in bed and taking her coffee. She drank a sip and sighed with her eyes closed, her hands wrapped around the mug. "You're all dressed. Guess I better get a shower and dress too," she said with a small pout, an unconscious one this time he was sure.

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