And That's All She Wrote

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And That's All She Wrote

Rory woke up Sunday morning with a pit in her stomach. This was it, her last day with Finn before he left. Back to his real life in Australia.

She looked at his sleeping form. A muscled arm lay over her stomach, his face was so peaceful in sleep but still held a quirk to his lips that made him look like he was smiling. His unruly dark hair splayed everywhere over the pillow. His chest was out of the comforter and she watched as he breathed evenly and deeply.

She was going to miss him. More than she'd wanted to, more than she thought she could. They'd spent the past nine days together, ten after that day. Talking, laughing, joking, flirting, reminiscing, kissing, touching, having sex. And jeeze was he a good lover. He was without a doubt the best she'd ever had, though he had the experience to make it so. Yeah, she was going to miss him. A lot.

With a smile Rory decided if this was their last day, then she was going to make sure he remembered her.

Gently she pulled down the blanket, her teeth between her lip as she exposed his chiseled body. He was unbelievably hot, she thought she could spend the rest of her life just staring at his body.

Staring wasn't what she had in mind though. Slowly she kissed down his chest, loving the taste of him. Her tongue slowly licked down his six pack. He groaned sleepily and she smiled as he rolled on to his back, standing to attention already.

He moaned as she finally reached where she was going. He hissed as her hand joined her mouth, judging by his squirming he was awake now.

After a few minutes she kissed her way back up his body to his lips. She kissed him hard and passionately, loving the way his hands tangled in her hair.

She pulled away with a smile, she needed him.

Biting her lip she slowly lowered herself down onto him.

"Fuck Kitten," he hissed his hands going to her hips, his eyes closed in pleasure.

It wasn't long before she'd reached her peak, calling out his name as she did. Under her as she started to come down from her high he sat up, his arms going around her as he kissed her collar bone. Rory wrapped her legs around his waist, wanting to be closer, deeper.

Finn groaned as she nibbled at his ear. She relished the noise and it spurred her on to her second orgasm, taking Finn over the edge with her. She loved how he moaned her name as he finished.

They stayed still for a few minutes, just wrapped in each other's arms, breathing heavily. His head was on her shoulder, his breath tickling her neck in a delicious fashion.

"That's the best wakeup call I've ever had, Kitten," he said, still panting, he placed gentle kisses along her shoulder making her squirm.

"Good to hear," she said, still clinging to him, her breathing ragged.

Neither of them heard the door opening or the footsteps across the floor, they were too busy kissing again. Slow, languid kisses that made Rory tingle everywhere.

"Oh shit!"

Rory screamed as she heard the voice, they were supposed to be alone!

"Fuck," Finn cursed grabbing the comforter and moving it so it was over them, he pressed her body closer to his chest so the intruder couldn't see anything he wasn't supposed to.

"Shit, sorry I didn't know- I'm leaving," Jess said, covering his eyes and walking out of Luke's old apartment where they'd spent the night.

"Who was that? Should I be worried that there's going to be a shotgun pulled imminently?" Finn asked as Rory climbed off of him, her heart racing.

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