Eight Letters

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The plan was as follows: Minho holds my head and shoulders down as much as possible so Newt can work on my upper bullet wound, Winston holds my feet and lower legs down so Frypan could work on my lower bullet wound, and that was working fine, until... "Minho, I can't get the bullet she's-she's moving too much," Newt yelled over my muffled screams. They put a piece of cloth in my mouth for the sake of their ears, and I don't blame them, but I was still loud.

"I'm trying my best to keep her down. She's too strong."

"Fry, how are you doing down there?"

"Winston isn't much help either, but I'm closer than you by the sounds of it."

"Well, I'm sorry she's kicking like crazy." I rolled my eyes between screams. You try being in a position like I'm in. I have two people working on opposite ends of my body trying to extract bullets while two other people are trying to hold me down. What do you want me to do? 

"Come on, Millie, pass out, just pass out. I can't handle seeing you like this." Newt said quietly, but just because I was the one screaming doesn't mean I can't hear all of them. Minho was looking in my eyes at this point, trying to calm me down, but it was only making it worse. He made the pain less manageable because I didn't want Minho to be the last person I saw before dying.

My hands were gripping onto what was left of my pants, but that didn't cut it anymore. I let go of the fabric and reached out for something, anything, and when I didn't find anything to hold onto, I flipped out. I started flailing my arms around and kicked even harder. The pain was too much to handle, but apparently, my body didn't see it that way, considering I was still awake. I was trying as hard as I could to get away from the metal that was being shoved inside me to get more harmful metal out. "AHHH!!" I screamed when I felt a sudden pressure on my leg.

"I got it!" Frypan said, laughing a little. 

"Great, now move your ass and help hold her legs down. She's squirming too much." Frypan wrapped a somewhat clean piece of cloth around my leg after cleaning it off a bit and taping gauze on it. Then, he held me just above my knees, keeping my legs still with the help of Winston. "That's better, but her arms, she needs to stop moving her arms." Newt sighed and grabbed my hand with his free hand as he stopped moving the tweezers. "Millie, I need you to stop moving for a few seconds. Can you do that?" 

I didn't want to lie. I knew I couldn't do that. I shook my head no, and Newt nodded, understanding that this would be a lot harder than they initially thought. With a sigh, Newt swung his leg around to the other side of my body, pinned my hands down, and started working again. This made it harder for me to move my torso and my arms. Newt made the right call. 

I screamed as he started moving the tweezers again. Those long tweezers seemed like they were even longer now that I had to focus on only one injury. I hoped it would be less painful, but before I could focus on both, now I have one excruciating wound I have to focus on. I could feel the pointy metal objects inside of me, twisting and turning, not caring what they hit. "AAGGHH!" I screamed as something moved inside me. It was the bullet. He found it.

"That's it, I need to get them around the bullet, and it'll be over with, okay? I promise, love, I'm almost done." He said softly, trying to calm me down. And it worked, for a second it worked, until I felt the pointy sticks separate and clasp onto something. My head went back, and tears fell down the sides of my face and into my ears. 

I tried to focus on the wet sensation in my ears. Hoping, praying, that it would be over soon. The cloth in my mouth came undone just before Newt started pulling out the bullet. He had to do it slowly so he didn't hit anything. "Millie, it's almost over," Minho said, rubbing my shoulder while still holding them down. 

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