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I knew there was nothing I could do to stop what was to come. And if I did, the one thing we've been working towards will never happen. That's why I have to let this attack happen, otherwise, we'll be screwed. Frypan, Minho, Newt, and I sat on the side of a rock, looking over the camp. We weren't talking about much, but everyone was silent by the time Thomas came up with us. 

"I wish Alby could've seen all this," Newt said, breaking the silence.

"And Winston." Frypan included. 

"Winston knew what was going to happen the second he got bit. In fact, after that night, he knew more than any of us." I said, still agreeing with the bunch. 

"Hey, Aris!" Frypan yelled over the camp.

"Hey, guys!" Aris yelled back, waving to the five of us. He was sitting with Harriet and another girl, whose name I never found out. 

"I kinda like that kid," Fry said, turning back to us. A big smile carried across his face. 

"Yeah. I still don't trust him, though." Minho said, making Frypan's smile fade.

"No, trust me, he's a good kid. There is no reason not to trust him." I said. "Besides, he got us out of that horrible place, right?" I said, remembering Thomas was with us.

He still doesn't know about me, or about Newt and me. Neither does Teresa. Surprisingly they didn't see us when we were with Winston. They were talking on top of a sand dune And there is only one right time for them to find out. It's certainly not now. 

"Hey, where's Teresa?" Thomas said, ruining the sort of perfect moment. Everyone was happy until he said her name. If only he knew.

'I'm not sure where she is, but I know what she is doing.' I said to the three of them. Keeping Thomas discluded hurt me, but it was necessary. He needs to find out about Teresa because of the attack. 

'It's time already?' Newt asked.

'Unfortunately, yes.'

'Time for what?' Fry asked. He looked at me for a moment, then back to Thomas.

'I can't tell you. It'll ruin everything.'

'But you told Newt?' Minho asked. 

'Yes, but I didn't mean to. It sort of slipped out. And once he knew one part, I had to tell him the rest.'

'I know where she is, though.' "She went up there," Newt said, pointing to a higher part of the cliff we were on. We looked up and sure enough, Teresa was standing at the peak of the path. The wind was blowing her hair. She would have looked beautiful if I didn't know her. 

Naturally, Thomas went up to see her, and I felt it. "It's almost time. Minho, I'm sorry."

"Sorry for what, Millie?"

"What's to come." Helicopters started coming in and a single tear fell from my eye. That's when the first explosion happened. More and more fire erupted from all angles, and people screamed as others tried to get out of the safe haven. 

"What's happening, Millie? What aren't you telling us?"

"It's okay, Fry. I need to go find Chuck. He's not safe alone."

"I'll go with you!" Newt said, grabbing my hand.

"You can't. If you come, you're going to get taken. I can't have that. Stay with the others, keep them safe." I turned away and started walking, but I stopped myself and turned back around. I ran at Newt and jumped into his arms. The kiss we shared was made up of pure worry. I knew I would see him again if everything went how it was supposed to. But the problem is I don't know what happens after I save Chuck. I pulled away and Newt placed me back on the ground. I smiled and ran off to find Chuck. 

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